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Showing posts from July, 2024


  A WARNING TO HYPNOTISTS  You want to hypnotise who? Are you blind, do you know who the Holy Ghost is, do you know where He lives ? You're not serious, You should be very afraid to even think it,       You want to hypnotise who, a child of God, with God inside him?, in their innocence, are you stupid, haven't you heard one of the seven things God hates is a lying tongue? (Prv. 6:17),     Why did fear leave you, You should call it back, do you know who a child of a God is? You should be very afraid! Find a job, work with your hands, and wake up from this path of destruction you've chosen. It's not a financial strategy, it's called "wazimu-lization" (swahili+English suffix). Wake up now, and make a detour while you have a chance, be wise! Regards, 𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 DAYSTAR JCHM®


 I DON'T DO BUSINESS, “I DO WELL, THAT'S WHAT I DO”.  One day, a curious gentleman asked me, “wow, so what do you really do?,” I could have said I'm an excellent polymath, ambidextrous, and that I do lots of things, but no, I responded, “I do well, that's what I do, that's my job, to do well in all things”. To put succinctly, I don't do business, I don't write books, I don't do ministry, I do well!       My dear, your profession in faith is to do well, everything else is a subunit of this universal bracket. That you're a business man is a subunit of doing well in God's word. Jesus said “I came to do your will (word) O God”, He came to do well. He didn't say I came to be a carpenter or a preacher, or both. He didn't limit himself to one thing. He admitted that what he does is the word of God.      Remember this, that everything around you ought to grow at the same pace, so do well in all things. Become a master in all things because Bibl


  WHY BENT ON TEACHING YOUR TEACHERS ? , WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ?  I have very important news for you. So vital if you're to ever stand the chance of experiencing a gliding growth, a bracing of truth, so you don't ever have to trap yourself in a maze of resistance from authority, most of which are triggered unawares, which is why you must know this.     Now hear me, don't try to teach your teachers, just listen. Don't try to advise your leaders, just talk. Paul taught on this extensively. Oftentimes, what you term as an advice for a leader is nothing but a playground for fleshy talks. Present your suggestions and stick to that modulation, don't undulate, do not insist. Romans 12:19 |MSB says “Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it.”   The Man Of God, T. L. Osborne of blessed memory once said “the way you destroy what you're trying to say is when you try to teach


  DISAPPOINTMENT IS ONLY A WORD  Disappointment is an English word, it's not your reality, so don't even entertain the possibility of it, because you'd only be deceiving yourself. Such terms are words spoken to be heard, they're formed because letters are available, and not because they carry meaning in your life.       Hear me, failure and disappointment have both no applicable meaning nor impact on the child of God. Your heavenly Father appointed you before time began, which necessarily means you cannot be disappointed in time, as long as you stick to what He says to you as the vision of your life. Wow, isn't that amazing!      The Lord described Gideon as a mighty man of valor at a time where Gideon couldn't even believe the reality of the next second ahead of Him. God was so direct in His statement I was amazed how He spoke reality to a man who saw the reflection of himself in the wrong descriptive words, hence confusing true reality and situational demands.


  HOW TO KNOW IF YOU'RE TRULY BEAUTIFUL LIKE HE CLAIMS YOU ARE     If he can hit you, without fear and resistance crushing his ego, listen to the Bible's take on the issue. God says it's because you're not beautiful to him, which is why he hits you in that relationship. And if he keeps apologising, don't be carried away by the flirts of his empty words, believe the bible, not what he's saying to you!       Romans 12:17 |MSG says “Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone”. A man will never hit you if he sees beauty in you. Listen to the word of God, don't be carried away by vibes, "toastings" and emotional blabbings. You'll only suffer for nothing!       If he claims you're beautiful and can still hit you as a woman. Hear me, you'll be so afflicted for nothing, you'll suffer for so little and it wouldn't last, all because this scripture right here reveals you're deviating from the word of God if you stay in that kind o


WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode VI ● “Aim for what is possible with God : by aiming for what is impossible to man. What is impossible to man is what God calls possible” .   ● “Fun and merry without the word of God and prophecy is a misguided waste of precious moments, and that's the place I wouldn't want to be.       Nehemiah 8:12 says “So all the people went TO EAT, TO DRINK, ... and to celebrate with great joy, BECAUSE THEY UNDERSTOOD THE WORDS that were being declared to them”.      If the scriptures mean much to you, then why celebrate anything if you don't understand the place of God's word in that thing. God's word should be the significance for all celebrations and festivals, the Bible said so!”.  ● The reformative information in God's word empowers you to drop toxic relationships as though you're dropping courses at the university.     The gospel is the power to walk away, from anything wrapped around your neck and choking your


WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode V  ● Desire will lure you out of obscurity into the limelight. It is a neutral power to which you assign a direction, either in the right or wrong direction. Your charge your desire positively or negatively, let positive desire make the word out of you. And remember the words of Jesus, “whatsoever thing you desire... say it”.  ● There's "nothing wrong" with you, your faulty understanding of the God's word is the only "wrong thing" with you. Let go and accept what the bible says.  ● You're beautiful because you have the looks of God's word, so don't ever allow anyone make you feel less. ● Everything you're doing right now is a stepping stone, and a window of opportunity through which you'll climb for bigger opportunities, so don't ever give up. You'll remember I told you this!        So yes, it's wrong to deny those ideas the opportunity to live, they have every right of pas


WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode IV ● Be confident everyday because you've put on Christ as the garment of righteousness. He's your boast and confidence, so chest out and face your world as a man of value and worth.  ● Their strength in the old testament ended up in death, you'd remember Moses who at Old age was asked to climb a mountain, Nebo to die. So strong yet it all ended up in death, but we of the new testament live from grace to grace, a never dying (diminishing) strength, a never ending strength. O' Hallelujah, Wow! ● “Such a huge sacrifice to make”, one young minister once said to me. I responded, No sirrr, rather “such a huge grace to receive”. It's all about the grace of our Lord Jesus. If that grace could make you a new creature without your self effort, what else can't that grace handle for you.  ● Don't just form words because you can speak, be intentional about your words and choose your utterances carefully, this is too


  WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode lII ● You have to brace yourself with the belt of truth and accept it. The Bible says Jesus committed Himself to no man because He knew all men.       Let no man shock you, brace and equip yourself with the word of God, knowing this also : that if anyone will ever look down on, doubting your greatness and abilities, it'll be other Christians due to their ignorance of truth.       They did same to Joseph, his own brothers sold him out, even Jesus, Bible says “his brethren did not believe in him”. So expect it, and never feel disappointed in people, depend on God, and you'll never be disappointed. ● In the function of electricity and power from the concept of joule (or resistive) heating, we come to understand how resistance of current in a conductor triggers the production of heat.       Joule's law of heating explains how the resistance in a conductor converts electrical energy into heat. Indeed there's nothing we


  THE COMPASS OF MONEY & VALUE    Whatever you use money to buy reveals the value you've placed on that thing, so if you'd be very honest with yourself and recognize those things that come to take away from you, instead of adding to your personality, you'll be more successful everyday. If you'd only be bold enough to say “no, I won't spend on you anymore”, if you begin to do this one thing, your calibration of value will be marked with excellence and profit. It could be a music subscription or a data package, if that thing doesn't add a significant value to your personality, move away quickly, yes : do it! The things you spend money on are constant reminders of the value you place on yourself as a child of God. Remember you're a king, and as such, whatever you commit your substance to is a buildup and a public show of your mentality.  You might for a moment contend in the mind when I say “do not get used to second-hand (used) products”, your natural mind


  DOUBLE-EDGED ENTERTAINMENT  There are always demands in moments of entertainment, whether you're aware or not, the earlier your accept, the better for you.  Matthew 14:6-11 |NKJV narrates,        “But when Herod’s birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod. Therefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.       So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, “Give me John the Baptist’s head here on a platter.” And the king was sorry; nevertheless, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he commanded it to be given to her.      So he sent and had John beheaded in prison. And his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother”. Interestingly, it is in such times of entertainment that Christians compromise their standards as children of God. Now in the Bible also, it was in a time of entertainment that John the Baptists head was compromised : demanded and de


WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode lI ● What goes on in your mind is going to walk out into your physical world. Your mind is that powerful, so don't entertain in it what you do not wish to see in this physical world!  ● Hey, come onnn,  Your daddy owns the whole world, so walk like one. He gave you too much, so you can't be this little! You're a city standing as one man. Remember that always!  ● You only depend on God in prayer and by following spiritual instructions in His word, so once you're not praying and heeding, there's no proof of your allegiance and dependence on the help of the Holy Spirit.  ● People who look down on themselves easily look down on others. So know who you are, your value in Christ Jesus as the word reveals, and it'd be easy to value and encourage others to be their best.  ● Never fight another Christian for whichever reason, don't let pride move you to fight a member of your own body, irrespective of their ill-wo


  WHOLE-MEAL WISDOM ON WHAT DAYSTAR ONCE SAID,  Episode l  ● Quit seeking approvals and remarks from people who aren't highly trained in God's word. Anyone who doesn't know the word doesn't know you. And in their comments about you, they'll lie to you because they sincerely don't know the truth about you.        According to the Bible, it is the elders (those skilled in God's Word) who carry good reports, that's what the Bible says. Hence anyone who's not raised in the word of God doesn't have a good report (comment or remarks) for you.       Stick to the Bible, stick to the word of God, so you don't frustrate the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life. He has approved you because He knows you can do it, why else would you ever worry!  ● You are the apple of God's eye, you're His pupil, His dilation and greatness, His vision in this world, hence anyone who touches you has threatened deity. Never be afraid, remember not the former t


  OH NO, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!    Did you know the concept of voice-over didn't start today, recorded in Luke 10:16, Jesus once said , “whoever hears you hears Me”, meaning He's the One who filters your natural voice and personality. Whether you're a stammerer like Moses WAS or a person with any form of bodily defect, begin to see the power overlaying your life, and don't ever despise yourself. The term voice-over refers to “the voice of an unseen narrator speaking as in a motion picture or television commercial”. The Lord Jesus is that unseen narrator who has called you for the life of glory. So focus on His voice, and beat down assyria (every secular and sensual opposition). You don't win over assyria with what you think, you win with what is written, the voice of the Lord. When Jesus was tempted by satan, he didn't say “I think”, rather he said “it is written”, He revealed the voice-over, and that repulsed the voice of assyria.  It'll intrigue you to kn


  AN UNDER-ACHIEVED PERSON IS NEVER AN AUTHORITY FOR YOU  On the path to greatness there are lots of things you would have to face, but one of the things you must not face is public opinion about you, it ought not to mean anything to you, only God's word should mean everything to you.  Listen to your leader and to God, and let their words and report about you drown every other voice with Focus! One time my Pastor, Rev. Hutchison, said to me, and that was addressed directly, he stated : “sometimes the only way you master skill at a thing is by doing it continually”. Then I learnt you don't develop skill and excellence by listening to opinions, you develop skill by sticking to instructions and practice. Thus, by doing what you must do, regardless.  Let me make this very simple for you : “never respect, esteem or hold highly the words of people who have an opinion for you about something they haven't yet accomplished”. In your relation with such a person, you must consciously


  TOUCH LIVES UNTIL THEY TEST POSITIVE    Premise :   REFUSE AN ASYMPTOMATIC LIFE, SHOW FORTH THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF HIS GRACE, WOW!     There is nothing you'll ever do that isn't already done in Christ Jesus. Done also means doable. We're not here to produce anything new, it's already done, so Jesus said these signs will follow the believing ones. Like a symptom following and announcing the presence of an invisible virus or bacteria, we're here to show forth the invisible realities of the finished work of Christ, living things which this world cannot see with their physical eyes. We're here to prove with our lives that those things are real.  Show forth the symptoms of faith because you've already been infected by the word of God in your nature, and when it finally spread to every cell of your imagination and thinking, don't let it end with you, affect everyone in your world with your way of thinking, until they test positive.     Spread the grace on


  WHAT A BLESSED ASSURANCE, WOW!    It doesn't matter the bad things you did in the past, you have to accept the unconditional love of the Father and move on.  Even a murderer like Moses, a man with extreme anger issues, yet irrespective of these flaws, God still used him to deliver His people. Listen, don't be afraid when God wants to use you, don't be scared someone might leak an information someday, don't frustrate the grace of God on your life, don't let satan stop you, he cannot win!  I assure you today from God's infallible word, that all those who would have been a potential threat will have no voice against you. They'll be alive but voiceless like it is written of Zechariah, in his attempt to defame the prophecy concerning John the Baptist, he was mute will the baby was born. This is how far God will go as a father to protect you.  Psalms 105:14 |GW recounts “He (God) didn’t permit anyone to oppress them (His people). He warned kings about (against f


  CREATING YOUR WORLD, RIGHT NOW!   Have you ever observed a spider forming a web, a world of its own, if you did : you'd notice the limbs moving as though it's calling forth something from the inside. Paul put it this way “working (creating) with your own hands (limbs)”. This is exactly what it takes to create your own world and aeon, choose God's word and bring it out from your spirit, then live in it with firm imagination, using words. Paul said “.... which things we speak”, meaning what you're saying are things (real substance), it's just a matter of time, they'll all come to pass.  Exodus 10:13 recounts,  1. So Moses stretched out his rod over the land of Egypt,  2. A the Lord brought an east wind on the land (lingering) all that day and all that night,  3. When it was morning (the prophetic moment), the east wind brought the locusts”.  You must understand that God isn't moved by your tears of sorrows and need. He sent Jesus in the fulness of time, and


  WISDOM FOR SECURING GREATNESS  When you give yourself to doing big things in a small-thinking world, remember that people are bound to voice out their self-curated opinions on what should be, and are almost all the time wrong and faulty in their thinking because they aren't word-ruled.  Hence they necessarily interpret and label your actions as pride and unrestrained pomp, but when they do, hear me, you're being lured to ball on slippery grounds, unstable foundations and vain motives. Here you gotta stand quickly on the word of God, the Scriptures.    Once people are able to deny you the buoyant carpet of divine words (Scriptures) on the impossible waters of this mundane life, you'll sink in the presence of Jesus (possibilities) like Peter. Jesus said to Peter "come", and that word (scripture) from Jesus provided an occasion of possibility for Peter to walk on water. Yes, He did the impossible by thinking on scripture.  Listen, the future is so possible but you


 “A MECHANIC IS NOT YOUR WIFE” : I'LL FIX YOU, TIME TO RUN!  What do ladies like in guys ? I was asked. A question on the mind of many, I need not mention, so just listen,  Ladies like what they want, not what you have to offer. A myopic woman will want a man who wouldn't push her beyond her will, and if by any means she gets a go-getter, she's got the inherent power to fix that man, until he's reduced to fit her dream cup, for a sip.  So to make things easy on yourself as a man with great visions, be patient in your search until you find a woman who's going where you're going, not one who looks like where you're going. The prior is fixed (ready from the Lord), the latter will desire to fix you to fit her dreams.  Wisdom will only lead a man towards a woman who matches his greatness. You need a wife, a helper with a teachable spirit, like the Holy Spirit, she doesn't come to speak of her own, but to put your interest before hers.  You need a wife, not a