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Premise :  



There is nothing you'll ever do that isn't already done in Christ Jesus. Done also means doable. We're not here to produce anything new, it's already done, so Jesus said these signs will follow the believing ones.

Like a symptom following and announcing the presence of an invisible virus or bacteria, we're here to show forth the invisible realities of the finished work of Christ, living things which this world cannot see with their physical eyes. We're here to prove with our lives that those things are real. 

Show forth the symptoms of faith because you've already been infected by the word of God in your nature, and when it finally spread to every cell of your imagination and thinking, don't let it end with you, affect everyone in your world with your way of thinking, until they test positive.    

Spread the grace on your life with ease, like a host would spreading a communicable dis-ease, spread ease and blessings to your world until it takes over every system and body around you, touch lives, touch them and spread the symptoms of grace until everyone around you tests positive for the presence of God's grace in their lives. Wow! 

A thing is said to be asymptomatic when it's not causing, marked by, or presenting with signs or symptoms of a prevailing infection. When God's word fully affects your soul and consciousness, everyone who comes around you will test positive with that glory on your life. 

One time, David cried over Sauls death chanting these words, “that Saul died as thought he was not anointed”, thus, in a manner asymptomatic (devoid of the symptoms) of a man who carried grace and the anointing.

This same David, knowing the glory He carried, positively affected the poor and weary men that joined him in Adullam, and from there he raised them into mighty men like himself. At the end of their lives, they tested positive with the presence of greatness, as proofs that David was indeed a blessed man. Wow! 

People should never leave your presence the same way they met you. I challenge you today, to let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, let them see that you carry grace. 

Be like the sun, a luminous body, become lambent and affect every moon in your world, don't stop your shine until they also carry the light into their night. O' my, Wow!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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