Episode VI
● “Aim for what is possible with God : by aiming for what is impossible to man. What is impossible to man is what God calls possible” .
● “Fun and merry without the word of God and prophecy is a misguided waste of precious moments, and that's the place I wouldn't want to be.
Nehemiah 8:12 says “So all the people went TO EAT, TO DRINK, ... and to celebrate with great joy, BECAUSE THEY UNDERSTOOD THE WORDS that were being declared to them”.
If the scriptures mean much to you, then why celebrate anything if you don't understand the place of God's word in that thing. God's word should be the significance for all celebrations and festivals, the Bible said so!”.
● The reformative information in God's word empowers you to drop toxic relationships as though you're dropping courses at the university.
The gospel is the power to walk away, from anything wrapped around your neck and choking your peace, the gospel is how you can walk away.
Know who you are in Christ, accept the value it shows you of yourself and win over toxic and damaging relationships by walking away whole.
● Like a child, give yourself to the word of God, and that's how you say : “word of God, carry me”, like a child holding his daddy's trousers until she's carried up, depend on the word of God and stop trying to rise by yourself.
Go for the power, the hand of God that comes upon and carries, enough with the talk, go for the power and say in other tongues : “word of God take me up, take me up”, then you'll hear specific things that will change your life forever.
Ezekiel said “the Spirit lifted me and I heard”, you'll be amazed what your life will be if you allow God's word to carry you like a child, you'll do great and mighty things you never thought possible. Wow!
● You can never be neutral in this world, it's either you're getting better or worse, based on the quality of words coming out of your mouth everyday. Every word you speak is a lyric line, and soon, your life will sing alongside the words you have decreed over the years.
● If you're talking the word, don't worry, keep saying it, all you need is time, not sympathy, because they'll all happen in quick succession by the power of the Holy Spirit. Believe the word of God, don't be afraid, believe it!
● Start a business, give yourself to something valuable other than the media, create that merchant platform where your faith goes to work on your behalf. Start something, I double dare you in Jesus' name because you can do all things. Wow!
● We don't fake it till we make it, rather, we make it in our imagination until all those fake pictures go away.
So you don't have to fake it till you make it as a child of God, think differently, that's the way of the world because they have no sure foundation.
We have the helper, full access to divine help, so we don't fake anything till we make it, instead, we make it in our imagination till we pull that reality out into visible light. Wow!
● “I Am That I Am” wasn't given for mere quotes, it's a power reminder implying “I am that thing God said I am”. So we chant the unison, “I am that thing called a success and an influence, so yes sir, I admit, I Am that, I Am!”
● “You don't have that right to lose, you're under divine contract to win, so win, and and don't come home until you win”
● “It was a transit point, not a bus stop, let those challenges wake you up and don't comatose. Wake up and don't get tired. It's already cold out here, and to give up on your dreams, is cold, too cold you won't survive the shivering shock of seeing another do what God inspired you to do. It'll be too cold a scene for you, and that day will come, believe me. So press and go for the stars of your dreams because they're real”.
● “Remember this : to forget is to accept weakness in your life. So always remember why you started. It's the force of wisdom to do what is humanly impossible. Remember the heavenly vision and make it your tomorrow”
● “Again I saw in the cold, wake up and fight”
● “Don't change your confession, just change the volume with which you use, tune it up, and that is the only change necessary. And when the crowd yells at you to quieten, don't hush, remember what the bible says, increase your volume of words and drown their intimidation with your pool of faith”
● When you meet a poor person asking for alms, don't say in yourself “I even need the money more than you”, don't think it and don't say it.
It's a set up on your emotions to derail you from a life of plenty, by confessing lack and need.
Be smart in God's word to detect an ambush, let God's word dwell in you richly, and you'll never fall for the cheap trap of emotional subterfuge.
● Jesus as your Lord means His word is your word, as your master, so Paul would often say "my gospel", he was recognising the words of His Lord Jesus, as His own words : now you live in Him, you live in Christ, in His residence and at His pleasure and service, hence what He says to say, is what you must say because He is your Lord.
And never has He said you should say "I am poor", so it's great pride and disrespect to say what the word, your Lord, hasn't said to you.
Recognising Jesus as Lord of your life was the biggest thing that could ever happen to you, because it introduces you to the wealth and plurality of eternal life, the easy way.
● There are people you'll love who may never be able to receive your love, and that should never discourage you.
Keep loving, keep blessing, keep giving your time and keep preferring others like the bible teaches.
My dear, you have what it takes to love till the end, and remember, unconditional love is not weakness, but rather the highest authority ever.
To love without a reason is humanly impossible, and that's exactly what we're enabled to do in this world. Isn't that amazing, Wow!
● God doesn't use you in a greater measure because you can do it. He uses you because you think you can do it, just because He said you can.
He's interested in your thinking because that is how you say to Him, Daddy I'm available.
Just be there, be available, and think His words as overly possible, your availability is already to Him an availed ability, He reads it as “you can”, because God respects a determined person, one with an enduring heart to wait and trust solemnly.
In your availability, that virtue will then crack open cardinal areas of your life that will match up the thinking He presents, which you have accepted. Once God says it, begin to think it, your availability in what He's said, is all He desires of you.
● When challenges come, don't cry, don't cry my friend, don't cry. Paul said “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death”.
Listen, don't beg God again, don't beg Him, He's no longer holding your freedom, listen, He packaged your right to freedom in a law, He put it in the law, His word. Be it freedom for financial flow in your business or freedom in your mind. It's the law that makes you free, not God.
So know the law, and quote it with the accent of God (thus, unknown tongues), knowing that situation will conform, necessarily. Say it everyday, “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Has made me freeeee”. O' Hallelujah, Wow!
● Jesus never lied when He gave you all things in His Word! In John 14:2, He said “.... if it were not so (true), I would have told you....”. Wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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