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What do ladies like in guys ? I was asked. A question on the mind of many, I need not mention, so just listen, 

Ladies like what they want, not what you have to offer. A myopic woman will want a man who wouldn't push her beyond her will, and if by any means she gets a go-getter, she's got the inherent power to fix that man, until he's reduced to fit her dream cup, for a sip. 

So to make things easy on yourself as a man with great visions, be patient in your search until you find a woman who's going where you're going, not one who looks like where you're going. The prior is fixed (ready from the Lord), the latter will desire to fix you to fit her dreams. 

Wisdom will only lead a man towards a woman who matches his greatness. You need a wife, a helper with a teachable spirit, like the Holy Spirit, she doesn't come to speak of her own, but to put your interest before hers. 

You need a wife, not a mechanic who seeks to fix you to fit her class of creativity, determined to galvanize your shop of big dreams into her mold of relative thinking, you need one who's living her big dreams with actions, not one dreaming in her sleep. 

A woman on a mission has got no time for shenanigans, a virtuous woman is one who actively walks into your life as the helper she ought to be. A real woman is never a mechanic to what drives her, instead, she calls for one, only when there's a need!

In the beginning of man's world, God saw that everything He made was good, only to one thing He said “it is not good”, and that was in reference to being alone without a physical helper and grace enfleshed. Proverbs puts it this way : “you obtain favor (a body of grace) from the Lord”. 

Now this is what many didn't know, that this grace is multiplied through knowledge, the clarity is influenced by informed decisions, meaning you cannot identify this class of woman until the word (knowledge) of God affects your sight and desires. Then like Paul wrote in Galatians 4:19, she will be formed in you through knowledge, then you can easily identify one, when she falls within your radii of influence. 

You need to find a good thing in this world because God's word in Proverbs 18:22 says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing”, so don't focus on nice things only, good virtues will always supercede a nicely shaped mechanic : a woman without character and moral compass. 

 Proverbs 7:27 |TPT says 

    “Control your sexual urges and guard your hearts from lust. Don’t let your passions get out of hand and don’t lock your eyes onto a beautiful woman. Why would you want to even get close to temptation and seduction, to have an affair with her?

    She has pierced the souls of multitudes of men— many mighty ones have fallen and have been brought down by her. If you’re looking for the road to hell, just go looking for her house!” 

My dear, the text says “don’t lock your eyes onto a beautiful woman”, meaning you should not make any woman your dream and persuit, instead, she should fit into your dreams and pursuit. 

Go for the word, put on God's Light-ray glasses, so you can see through the body of deception that has destroyed greatness in many!



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