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Episode IV

● Be confident everyday because you've put on Christ as the garment of righteousness. He's your boast and confidence, so chest out and face your world as a man of value and worth. 

● Their strength in the old testament ended up in death, you'd remember Moses who at Old age was asked to climb a mountain, Nebo to die. So strong yet it all ended up in death, but we of the new testament live from grace to grace, a never dying (diminishing) strength, a never ending strength. O' Hallelujah, Wow!

● “Such a huge sacrifice to make”, one young minister once said to me. I responded, No sirrr, rather “such a huge grace to receive”. It's all about the grace of our Lord Jesus. If that grace could make you a new creature without your self effort, what else can't that grace handle for you. 

● Don't just form words because you can speak, be intentional about your words and choose your utterances carefully, this is too important for the victorious life in Christ Jesus.

● Never see yourself not having enough, reject that picture, reject it!

● You can't look into the mirror of God and money at the same time, one has to supercede the other. 

   And if you do not interest in knowing your true character in God's word, money will reveal that character in the flesh which you've refused to address. 

   So look into the mirror of God whom you love, because once you start loving money on the same plane, it becomes a mirror in your life, and you'll be amazed the hidden nature of the flesh that would come out of that hiding, when the mirror of God is absent to expose and turn it again. 

   Give attention to God's word, it's your only security against the insatiable nature of unrestricted flesh.

● If you always seek for external encouragement in other to continue in what you do, then you can't accomplish much, and you can't do great things because you have to learn to encourage yourself in the Lord like David, encourage yourself with words in prayer, prophecy and meditation!

● If you're a student or a trainee worker under supervision, don't learn because you want to be successful someday, instead learn and work as a success. See yourself in the model of your desires, think right in the present. You're a success, today!

● The only reason why you'll miss the green light in traffic is because you didn't see it turn green. And until you see who you are in the light of God's word, you'll deny yourself the next big move! 


● If you can reach out to billions in your heart and imagination, you can reach out to them in the physical world!

● Everything you can ever think of is in the word, every number, every digit, every figure is in a word, and all the access you'll ever need is in the word, that's why there's a thing called pass-word. 

    God's word is our password to anything, the word qualifies, passes and grants us full and unlimited access to anything we ever thought possible.

   Romans 5:2 concludes, “By whom also we have access [a pass] by faith [the word] into this grace [unlimited abundance] wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

  Believe the word of God, it's the pass of life, it declares you qualified to pass into the experience it talks about. Wow! 

● Children just rest, they rest and sleep, it's like the work they do, and how they grow healthily in the care of their parents. Be mindful never to outgrow the stage of receiving from God like a child, be careful. Rest in His word and speak with rest in your heart! 

● In every labour and business there is profit, that is what the bible says, so just give that thing you're doing some time, don't ever give up on the future facing you, and remember, you'll reap if you don't faint, that's in the bible too, Wow!

● Don't you say "look, nobody cares", don't be saying that because somebody cares, You've just not seen with your eyes the One who cares, His me is Jesus Christ.

● What is, we call into being with words, granting safe passage for the things we desire to see.

● “Can you make it happen? Will you make it happen and how ?”, some asked ... No please, none of the above, but why : they proceed to ask, “ because I've already made it in Christ Jesus, and I only came to this world to moderate a shutdown, and yeah, don't miss your seat at the grand stand when I'm performing on God's stage for my life's success. Wow!”

● Anything you don't see in the bible, pluck it out of your life, don't think nor say it, and don't worry if your decision isn't a popular option, don't worry, you'll be right when you talk and live by the word of God, you'll be right always, Wow!  

● Dedication and commitment to the word of God is where you listen so much to the word in sermons, so much so that you forget and enter the shower with your airpods stuck in your ears, feeding on the word of God! My dear, feed on the word, voraciously, and be intentional about making progress in this life!  

● Christianity isn't all about knowing the bible, it's about knowing the word of God as a Person. Neither is it about quoting the letter but knowing the mind of God for the moment, the rhema word. It's all about the man Christ Jesus, because He is the beauty of Christianity.

● We aren't going to allow satan beat us with our own hands, no!, we'll fight back by sticking to the word of God, with hands in gloves, and we'll forever say no to anything that tries to take over our freedom and peace!

● Your choices inform you of the future. They are your excursions into the future and back. In your choices, you can always see the future, and you'll be right with what you see. 


● People can be ahead of you in acquisition but never in purpose. You're not late my friend, you're only looking at the wrong thing! 

● When you stand before people to speak, it is that Christ that liveth in you that speaks, and He's the One who rolls and slings off words with your tongue. So look to Him, look up to Him and flood your mind with overwhelming confidence. Wow!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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