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Disappointment is an English word, it's not your reality, so don't even entertain the possibility of it, because you'd only be deceiving yourself. Such terms are words spoken to be heard, they're formed because letters are available, and not because they carry meaning in your life. 


   Hear me, failure and disappointment have both no applicable meaning nor impact on the child of God. Your heavenly Father appointed you before time began, which necessarily means you cannot be disappointed in time, as long as you stick to what He says to you as the vision of your life. Wow, isn't that amazing! 

    The Lord described Gideon as a mighty man of valor at a time where Gideon couldn't even believe the reality of the next second ahead of Him. God was so direct in His statement I was amazed how He spoke reality to a man who saw the reflection of himself in the wrong descriptive words, hence confusing true reality and situational demands. 

    Judges 6:12-13 has got it more dramatic in this wise “And the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon and said, “The LORD is with you, O mighty man of valor.” Gideon replied, “Please, my Lord,” “if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us?...” 

   The same way you have questions on your mind, trying to debunk and despise God's vision (words) for your life, Gideon was of no exception. God had to teach him how to behold reality and not what humans have described with limiting vocabulary. 

In the Message Bible, Hebrews 12:6-7 recounts, 

    “It’s the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects. GOD IS EDUCATING YOU ; that’s why you must never drop out. He’s treating you as dear children. THIS TROUBLE YOU'RE IN ISN'T PUNISHMENT (thus a delay nor a disappointment); IT'S TRAINING (for what He's already appointed for you).”

   Words like failure and disappointment have only got meaning in English, but utterly baseless in making sense for the child of God. Actually, what we often describe as disappointment is a restrain of love from a loving Father. It is God through the Holy Spirit holding you back from making hasty and nasty decisions. 

   Restraint is simply an externally influenced self control. Paul's letters to Thessalonica enlists one of the activities of God's Spirit as the One who restrains (holds back) evil through the Church.

    Interestingly, Proverbs 29:18 from the Darby translation spells out the text “Where there is no vision the people cast off restraint”. This means God's word, which originally is His vision for your life is how you remain disciplined in not casting off restraint (thus, what holds you glued to God's vision for your life, for the purpose of either good or evil, where applicable). 

    Isaiah 2:1 records God's word as “the word that Isaiah saw”, which intends to mean God's word is a visionary lens through which we define things and circumstances, and one of the words that fail in conducting meaning is the term “disappointment”.

   Where there's no vision, people perish, meaning they're disadvantaged and blinded by their press to resist the influence of God's Spirit by casting off His restraint. Then in Genesis 11:6, we're told “now nothing will be restrained from them”, but why?, because they did not cast off restraint in their focus to build babel (rebellion) against God.

    Restraint (an externally influenced self control) keeps you on track, it's not a disappointment, it's a hold back like a lid on a boiling water, for your own good. So delay doesn't exist for the child of God, what exist is the term “tarry”, never a delay! 

   God explicitly stated that the vision (His word) is for an appointed time, not for a disappointed time, so don't ever tolerate a moment in your life where you feel so bad and disappointed in the possibility of God's word. Quickly remember that His Word is more effective with free course when accorded the due place as the only event "appointed" by God to happen, don't disappoint (resist) God by casting of His appointed moment for your life. 

   So if He says you're a mighty man of valour like He said to Gideon in time where the natural man will term as a "midlife crisis moment", it was at that same period that God appointed Gideon for a divine experience. It was in the lowest point of His life that God called him a great warrior. My dear, nothing is permitted to orchestrate disappointment in your path. Just remember it's the Holy Spirit keeping you away from the wrong things because of God's vision for your life, so don't ever cast off His restraint. Then He said “though that vision tarries (is next in line), wait for it, because it shall not delay”. 

   You can never be disappointed nor disadvantaged in this world, because all things are appointed and under divine contract to work for your good, meaning you can expect to move up everyday. The downside is just impossible for you, it cannot happen because it doesn't exist in divine vocabulary, so don't ever say the wrong things to yourself, remember that. Wow! 


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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