If he can hit you, without fear and resistance crushing his ego, listen to the Bible's take on the issue. God says it's because you're not beautiful to him, which is why he hits you in that relationship. And if he keeps apologising, don't be carried away by the flirts of his empty words, believe the bible, not what he's saying to you!
Romans 12:17 |MSG says “Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone”. A man will never hit you if he sees beauty in you. Listen to the word of God, don't be carried away by vibes, "toastings" and emotional blabbings. You'll only suffer for nothing!
If he claims you're beautiful and can still hit you as a woman. Hear me, you'll be so afflicted for nothing, you'll suffer for so little and it wouldn't last, all because this scripture right here reveals you're deviating from the word of God if you stay in that kind of relationship. Truth is, you're not beautiful to him if he can hit you, that's how to know if you're truly beautiful to him like he claims. Stick to the Bible and you won't ever regret it!
You might as well say it was a mistake, well, if you insist on working things out when you should be seeking intervention from authority or walking away, then this verse should be of help. Romans 13:13 |MSG says, “You can't go wrong when you love others : the sum total (thus only cost and receipt to show forth) is love.”.
If he keeps repeating the same mistakes, hitting you and abusing you emotionally. It doesn't matter how often he apologises and the gifts he uses. What you have there is not a beloved, he's a beast manning up to destroy and tear you apart, until you're reduced to nothing.
And truly, if couples or persons in courtship will only agree with the scriptures, making their yes the yes they see in the scriptures, they can't go wrong in submitting to abuse, nor will they ever end in divorce. This right here is what the Bible says, and the scriptures cannot be broken!
God owns you, so own your space, don't just allow anybody in, who could potentially waste your life. Again, own your space because you don't own yourself, and that gives you the right to settle for the best in life!
If a man cannot treat you like Jesus does, you have every right to walk away because he's got no master or Lord running His life. Leviticus 21:13 says “‘The woman the man marries must be a virgin [new creature]”, likewise, you must never settle with a man if he's not been born again.
A man who knows how to receive the love of Jesus will be selfless in loving you. Such a person is an all-in-one package, a one stop shop. And such men are there, raised by God's word. Don't let anybody deceive you, there are good people out there. Expect them and then you'll be able to recognise them when they show up!
Recognise the value God has placed on you, accept it and don't ever settle for less. Never settle for a man who can hit you, run, yes, run because you're ugly and distasteful to him, which is why he can hit you without restraint! Don't listen to his explanations, listen to God's interpretation on the matter and Run!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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