I have very important news for you. So vital if you're to ever stand the chance of experiencing a gliding growth, a bracing of truth, so you don't ever have to trap yourself in a maze of resistance from authority, most of which are triggered unawares, which is why you must know this.
Now hear me, don't try to teach your teachers, just listen. Don't try to advise your leaders, just talk. Paul taught on this extensively. Oftentimes, what you term as an advice for a leader is nothing but a playground for fleshy talks. Present your suggestions and stick to that modulation, don't undulate, do not insist. Romans 12:19 |MSB says “Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it.”
The Man Of God, T. L. Osborne of blessed memory once said “the way you destroy what you're trying to say is when you try to teach your teachers”. You weaken your place when you interfere where you should be listening. The lesser (student) is blessed (to be advised) by the greater (teacher), not vice versa, the Bible said so.
Paul in Romans 13:1-2 mentioned something rather more important, stating that “.... to resist proper subjection to authority is to oppose God's ordinances”. Which is to mean, there's a proper subjection to authority, which David described as “the due order”, meaning the right way by which things ought to be done.
Plants don't compete with the sun because they know the height and position of the sun is to their advantage, and by that reverence and recognition, they are able to use the sun's light to express productivity. God designed authority so you depend on the words of that office, the Bible says “an authority does not bear the sword in vain”, meaning every authority has something good to offer — but then, it's your responsibility not to provoke the person's in authority God brings your way. The Bible says it'll be unprofitable for you.
Learn to handle the balance of power, don't promote your words, dribble yourself out of that pressure and yearn, learn it and know your place, this is too important, lest your own tongue becomes unprofitable for you.
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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