Did you know the concept of voice-over didn't start today, recorded in Luke 10:16, Jesus once said , “whoever hears you hears Me”, meaning He's the One who filters your natural voice and personality. Whether you're a stammerer like Moses WAS or a person with any form of bodily defect, begin to see the power overlaying your life, and don't ever despise yourself.
The term voice-over refers to “the voice of an unseen narrator speaking as in a motion picture or television commercial”. The Lord Jesus is that unseen narrator who has called you for the life of glory. So focus on His voice, and beat down assyria (every secular and sensual opposition). You don't win over assyria with what you think, you win with what is written, the voice of the Lord. When Jesus was tempted by satan, he didn't say “I think”, rather he said “it is written”, He revealed the voice-over, and that repulsed the voice of assyria.
It'll intrigue you to know the Lord was actually angered when Moses admitted that he had physical limitations, as a stammered, which King James rendered as “uncircumcised lips”, and that was when Aaron came into the picture. Listen, if you keep despising yourself, soon the Lord will randomly raise someone else to do what you He told you to do, and it'll be the deepest pain in life.
Exodus 6:12 |KJV reports,
“And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips ?”
— Let's have a look at how other versions render his last statement, and let it correct confidence in the flesh until it's all flashed out of your thinking.
GodsWord Version renders it “Why would Pharaoh listen to me? I’m such a poor speaker.” — ISV puts it more practically, it renders “I’m not a persuasive speaker” — and that is exactly what most Christians do when God wants to use them, they insist on the fact that they're poor speakers, boring or not persuasive enough — listen, believe the Bible and stop frustrating the ability (grace) of God on your life.
In Galatians 2:21 Paul confessed,
“I do not frustrate the grace of God : for if righteousness (getting it right in life) come by the law (self effort and human strategies), then Christ (this new life, being a new creature) is dead in vain (meaningless)”.
Interestingly, BSB translation of Exodus 6:12 rather seems to intrigue me the more I read, it renders : “... I am unskilled in speech”, in other words : “I'm not a trained or an equipped public speaker” — once you can talk to God, you can talk to anybody and they will listen because there's a mark on your life, and that's the reason they will gather and listen to you — One day while listening to Dr. Oral Roberts on one of his tapes dated in the late 1950, he said something that hit me, he said “.... he discovered people don't gather unless there's a reason”.
Listen, stop looking for natural reasons why people should gather and listen to you, if Almighty God can sit to listen to you at anytime, who then is man that you're scared to the bone to please. Focus on God and His sufficient abilities in you, because He is the reason why people will gather around your words, He's the One who adds sweetness to your words, He's your voice-over, then : you'll see the world coming to you from far. Wow!
Psalms 110:3 states “Your people shall be willing in the day of your power” — isn't that amazing! — NET translation puts it “Your people willingly follow you when you go into battle” — If you can war with (keep declaring) the prophecy (God's word), and dare to take your eyes off your natural abilities and endowments, you'll see a flood of wilful following towards whatever things you do, the kind of influence you never thought possible. Even on your social media platforms, the Lord Himself will be your promotion, and there you'll know that people can actually follow you wilfully. Yes, it is a thing. The Bible said so!
Eloquence is not what makes influence possible, it's the power overlaying your words. If He sent you there, and you're sure He did, then go in His name, and don't ever look back. People will always be willing to listen to you in the day of power, when influence is present, and that is what the Bible explicitly states.
So focus and do what God told you to do, forget voice modulation, articulate speech and physical looks, that's not what makes influence and impact possible according to God's structure, it's power that makes happen. Learn this quickly and stop frustrating the grace of God on your life, and yes, this power (good news) is already at work in you right now, Wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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