Whatever you use money to buy reveals the value you've placed on that thing, so if you'd be very honest with yourself and recognize those things that come to take away from you, instead of adding to your personality, you'll be more successful everyday.
If you'd only be bold enough to say “no, I won't spend on you anymore”, if you begin to do this one thing, your calibration of value will be marked with excellence and profit. It could be a music subscription or a data package, if that thing doesn't add a significant value to your personality, move away quickly, yes : do it!
The things you spend money on are constant reminders of the value you place on yourself as a child of God. Remember you're a king, and as such, whatever you commit your substance to is a buildup and a public show of your mentality.
You might for a moment contend in the mind when I say “do not get used to second-hand (used) products”, your natural mind will use the principles of economics to embrace you in that quagmire of want, but hear me, you're a king, be hard on yourself, place value on your class and be conscious of the greater One living inside of you, then : He'll begin to issue the supply because you're expecting it, honor Him whom you do not see, by honoring yourself with new things as a new creature.
Place premium on your time and do all you can to avoid things that can potentially waste your time. Listen, time is the opportunity within which you do what you must do, it's a platform you should hold dear to your heart.
Learn to ask questions as a child of God, especially when making very important decisions that involve the use of money and other valuable resources. Yes you're of God and you live in Christ, I'm fully aware of that, but you also have to recognize the fact that you live in two worlds currently, here and in Christ, though you belong to only one.
Hence there's the need to get knowledge on how to have the advantage in matters relating to this world, an example is trade and Investments. Remember Jacob and how he had to work an extra number of years for Rachel simply because he didn't seek full disclosure from Laban on the customs of the land regarding marriage.
Ask questions, demand understanding, and never invest value in things you don't understand yet! This is wisdom you'll need for the rest of your life. Wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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