Episode V
● Desire will lure you out of obscurity into the limelight. It is a neutral power to which you assign a direction, either in the right or wrong direction. Your charge your desire positively or negatively, let positive desire make the word out of you. And remember the words of Jesus, “whatsoever thing you desire... say it”.
● There's "nothing wrong" with you, your faulty understanding of the God's word is the only "wrong thing" with you. Let go and accept what the bible says.
● You're beautiful because you have the looks of God's word, so don't ever allow anyone make you feel less.
● Everything you're doing right now is a stepping stone, and a window of opportunity through which you'll climb for bigger opportunities, so don't ever give up. You'll remember I told you this!
So yes, it's wrong to deny those ideas the opportunity to live, they have every right of passage to be given the opportunity to decide their future, don't make that decision for those ideas, dreams and visions.
Give them the opportunity to live, they deserve that right and parental respect, yours is to parent them as little children with the wisdom of God and behold the beauty of how fast they'll grow to your amazement!
● Sometimes going against the wind is the right thing to do, and press, learn to recognise winds that come to help you and those that come to carry you away from your dreams and press through them, dribbling and looking forward to the goal post, and don't even dare to give up because your world is looking up to you. Believe me!
● “The Lord is my shepherd, He is my prosperity. He is my progress, therefore these things are a certainty of which I see in the scriptures. Now because I have the Lord living in my Spirit, with Him also all things abide in me”. Wow! Talk like this!
● Challenges never end because we never come to the fulness of our inexhaustible potentials before exiting this world, hence challenges never end because they exist to push you from your comfort zone into the best of who God made you. Wow!
● It looks like a challenge, but don't call it that, it's a stretch, accept the push into possibilities you never thought existed, what's happening to you right now is a stretch of your imagination, a push into the future.
● Your imagination is how you make up your mind, and how you become resolute for the winning life.
● The Psychological damage of poverty is evil, so never let it destroy your heart with ill manners. Never get used to things that aren't excellent, distinguish yourself!
● If your current grace is for commercial, board such vehicles with dignity, don't push others down, that's animalistic, be gentle and smart. The same people you want to influence you're already pushing down, be careful of the kind of subconscious training you give yourself, never push others away, don't train yourself that way!
● Don't call forth an attention you're not well equipped to handle. Right from the way you dress to how you carry yourself, don't call forth an attention that could expose you to influences beyond your immediate grapple.
● Everyone can give excuses, getting results is what sets you apart, excuses are cheap, even the poor can afford it with their eyes closed!
● There's no Chinese movie that a Chinese hasn't watched before, so if God's word is truly addressed to the child of God, then it means you have every right to watch it happen in your day. God's word is for you, a native of Zion, it's a series of events that must be seen in your home and in your life. So don't get tired of speaking the word and sowing, you'll reap it soon, and you'll watch it grow like that Chinese watching the play of art. Wow!
● You only become, when you have what it takes. So the bible says "the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God". They have become because they have been legally purchased by the blood of the lamb. If you want to become something in experience, you must have what it takes as a possible knowledge, then meditate on it.
● To become, you should have, then we can say "you have become". Have the light of life, the word of life, Jesus said so. Find it in meditation, and hold (have) it, lay hold on eternal life (the knowledge of God), have it as a substance you can share, so you can become in experience what you are in nature. Have it! And remember, To become, you should have, then we can say "you have become".
● Let the word of God affect you. Wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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