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When you give yourself to doing big things in a small-thinking world, remember that people are bound to voice out their self-curated opinions on what should be, and are almost all the time wrong and faulty in their thinking because they aren't word-ruled. 

Hence they necessarily interpret and label your actions as pride and unrestrained pomp, but when they do, hear me, you're being lured to ball on slippery grounds, unstable foundations and vain motives. Here you gotta stand quickly on the word of God, the Scriptures. 


Once people are able to deny you the buoyant carpet of divine words (Scriptures) on the impossible waters of this mundane life, you'll sink in the presence of Jesus (possibilities) like Peter. Jesus said to Peter "come", and that word (scripture) from Jesus provided an occasion of possibility for Peter to walk on water. Yes, He did the impossible by thinking on scripture. 

Listen, the future is so possible but you can be denied access if you're not careful to keep the words of the Master, which are the Scriptures. Once you know what He has said, no one can ever deny you that liberty you have to be anything in this world. 

How people think you're acting is based on what they have read, which is the lens they're using to scan you, and they definitely will be wrong once it's not the Scriptures you're using that they are also using to grade your actions. So Jesus said it this way, “search the Scriptures, for in them you think...”.

My dear, people who label you as proud for daring the norms think that way of you because they haven't yet searched the Scriptures to think what you're doing is actually the feature of a humble person. Their thinking is their problem! Refuse to be sucked into their orbit of weak thinking. 

Listen, stick to the word, else ignorant people will use understandings from secular scriptures (interpretations) to cripple greatness in you. Once a person isn't thinking the word, he's just talking, he's not thinking before talking, and that is who the Bible describes as a fool. 

A fool according to the scriptures, is one who talks from his mind, and not from the Scriptures. Psalms 14:1 says “The fool says in (thus talks from) his heart (mind)”. 

Walk away from ignorant people, especially Christians who seek to induce your big desires with the syringe of common sense and skepticism, never tolerate instructions from an ignorant person, a man who doesn't know the scriptures is empty and is a vulnerable vessel to darkness programmed to stop you. Once you notice such vibes, my dear : run!



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