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Have you ever observed a spider forming a web, a world of its own, if you did : you'd notice the limbs moving as though it's calling forth something from the inside. Paul put it this way “working (creating) with your own hands (limbs)”.

This is exactly what it takes to create your own world and aeon, choose God's word and bring it out from your spirit, then live in it with firm imagination, using words. Paul said “.... which things we speak”, meaning what you're saying are things (real substance), it's just a matter of time, they'll all come to pass. 

Exodus 10:13 recounts, 

1. So Moses stretched out his rod over the land of Egypt, 

2. A the Lord brought an east wind on the land (lingering) all that day and all that night, 

3. When it was morning (the prophetic moment), the east wind brought the locusts”. 

You must understand that God isn't moved by your tears of sorrows and need. He sent Jesus in the fulness of time, and not because man was overly sinning. God runs on His calendar and clock, His word lingers until it's the prophetic moment, the right time. So sometimes, like Moses did, all you have to do is wait in God's word until it's morning (the prophetic moment), then that thing will manifest, and arrive on the scene. 

Timing holds the beauty of all things, the full development of a lady brings out her beauty. So she'll have to be patient and just grow. Bible says “In His time, He has already made all things beautiful”. Hence timing is very important to God, so never get discouraged. Keep speaking. 

My dear, it's time to rule as a king by creating your own world. Proverbs 30:28 |NKJV speaks of the spider in this wise, “the spider skillfully grasps with its hands, And it is in kings' palaces”. Wow! 

Creativity with words will move you into corridors of power, like the spider in the king's palace, though it is one of the smallest and despised creatures. Creativity will grant you access where certificates cannot afford to blink. Listen, begin to take advantage of words, speak in unknown tongues, bring out the future you see, be smart and refuse the ordinary life! 

A kingdom is a king's domain, this was why Jesus conferred a new kingdom on his disciples so they can exercise unrestrained dominion, then in Hebrews 12:28, we were told “we have received an enduring (unshakable) kingdom”, meaning a web that cannot be damaged, though looking weak and despised (1 Corinthians 1:28), it cannot be broken down. Now, we need to settle that kingdom world here on earth, using words (worlds) from our spirit. 

Remember, it is the same symbols and format used in conjuring things in the occult, they work with their hands by moving their fingers in quick succession followed by repetitive chants and incantations, like the spider does when creating it's own world. 

My dear, speak in other tongues, Isaiah called it “stammering lips”, meaning repetitive syllables. Incantate, create your own world, don't live in the world your parents created, go for something new, repeat words, repeat that class, and stay there continually, until you can hold what you have said physically, press!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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