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It doesn't matter the bad things you did in the past, you have to accept the unconditional love of the Father and move on. 

Even a murderer like Moses, a man with extreme anger issues, yet irrespective of these flaws, God still used him to deliver His people. Listen, don't be afraid when God wants to use you, don't be scared someone might leak an information someday, don't frustrate the grace of God on your life, don't let satan stop you, he cannot win! 

I assure you today from God's infallible word, that all those who would have been a potential threat will have no voice against you. They'll be alive but voiceless like it is written of Zechariah, in his attempt to defame the prophecy concerning John the Baptist, he was mute will the baby was born. This is how far God will go as a father to protect you. 

Psalms 105:14 |GW recounts “He (God) didn’t permit anyone to oppress them (His people). He warned kings about (against fighting) them”. 

And yes, He still does it today because He loves you! 

Listen, they may even dare to talk in attempt to defame the glory of God on your life, but they won't be heard, because God will warn them through various means, and it wouldn't hurt you. 

Genesis 20:3 |BSB recounts, 

     One night, however, God came to Abimelech (King of Gerar) in a dream and told him, “You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken, for she is a married woman (Abraham's wife, a prophet).” 

Your heavenly father will stop the mouth of lions for your sake, they'll all be alive seeking opportunity to disgrace you, but they'll be lightly esteemed. God was ready to fight King Abimelech because he took the wife of a prophet. Listen, you're also the bride (wife) of Christ, and He'll rebuke any authority that ever rises against you. 

Believe the word of God and never worry, it's His responsibility to keep you in His name, yours is to use the name as your victory prize, and don't ever worry. 

You are the apple of God's eye, you're His pupil, His dilation and greatness, His vision in this world, hence anyone who touches you has threatened deity. Never be afraid, remember not the former things like the Bible entreats us, it's time to move forward and go all out in what God called you to do. 

Throw off any weight that so easily besets you, and I say to you to today, in the name of the Lord Jesus, that they will have no voice against you, so rise and go again, their words will be confused and no man will understand their accusations, because God has honored you. O' Hallelujah. Wow!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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