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Showing posts from August, 2024


 A TECHNOCRATIC HEGEMONY , AND A COULD-BE DRACONIAN LABYRINTH ED SYSTEM OF SELF-ENTANGLED IMPOVERISHMENT.   Quite interesting,  Type this title in CHATGPT and you'll see what pops up, even the bot understands this heartfelt phrase : it came straight from my heart because of the great depression of hope and destruction of potentials a faulty system like the subject of this discussion has aggravated.  I'll love to take this opportunity to bring something very important to your notice, on why you need to only invest in things you understand : a biblical subject which I may or may never mention again in a long time.  This is very biblical. Job 12:3 stated “But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you” . If you're still inferior in trading after many years, it's not a skill issue, it's a foundational issue you cannot repair, where you're trying to explain why 1+1 can be equal to 11 sometimes, hence you'll forever be inferior in consistent pr


  WISDOM FOR LEADING A GENERATION , FROM THE SIDELINES .    You don't climb up a stage by walking through crowds at an event to give a speech, rather, you come from the rear, where the least attention is given, so you can mount up the stage for the event in your cool and in your utmost elements.  On the other hand, if you walk through the huge crowd of thousands, not only will you be tired of the distance and anxiety, the crippling force of attention that will hit you in the face will be so daunting, the intensity of the attraction will carry you along in a sweep of dazed confusion.  You don't lead by going through the motions like everybody else : you won't last with this approach. Every seed needs privacy to germinate, this is too important. Make time to develop your abilities in secret.  You lead by doing what the 99% won't attempt, you're to mount the stage of your world in a manner they least expect, to their surprise, build yourself in secret and amaze them w


  LET GOD'S WORD ATTACK THAT SUICIDAL THOUGHT , GIVE WAY, MOVE AWAY, NOW !  My dear, give way, and let the word of God attack and torment foolishness and ignorance out of your being.  Bible says Job's righteous soul was vexed and tormented (influenced) in Sodom by what he saw and heard.     — II Peter 2:8 records “For that righteous man (Job) dwelling among them (in Sodom), in seeing and hearing, vexed (influenced) his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds”  This is exactly what will happen to you if you give way for your ears [the hearing of faith (Galatians 3:2)] and imagination [the eyes of your understanding] to decode [receive] the power [vision] encoded [written] in God's word, it'll torment ignorance (self-engineered darkness and thoughts) out of your life. Jeremiah 23:29 recounts “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock (hardened and difficult addictions, suicidal thoughts, and chronic challenges)


BABY STEPS TO LEARNING DISCIPLINE IN YOUR MIND .   “If you have intense challenges focusing on one thing. Perhaps you've just discovered the pressing need to take a break from "social media addiction". I'll like to congratulate you for this penultimate decision unto discipline and success.    I have a way out for you, baby steps, nothing pandemonium. Get an audio book on your phone, Or a pdf on your Adobe reader or any other reader with an audio programming. Use a Christian literature on a graceful subject. Play the book as an audio and go about your usual activity like you did before, this time : not the social media, but something else.     Take advantage of the moment of listening to train your mind to focus on the book you're reading. You'll have struggles focusing, I can assure you of that, but pull your mind back when you drift, it'll be like war : but make up your mind to win. Doing this for long will provoke a natural discipline and flow in your


  TRIALS ON THE MAGNETOSPHERE : WHY OUR EARTH IS STRONGER EVERYDAY!  The absence of God's living word in your heart and mind, will be your greatest affliction in this world.     When the unforgiving torrents of boisterous winds come against the ship of your mindset, if you don't learn to drop your anchor by knowing what is written, you'll live a very painful life, and like Peter, you'll sink in the presence of Jesus and you'd be so shocked.      When Jesus was tempted by satan and his deception, He didn't say "I think", rather, He said "it is written", then Paul said to the Corinthians, "do not think outside what is written", wow, isn't that amazing, to know that God's word is a frame for our thinking throughout our stay in this world.       Feed on the word, and drop your anchor when the storms come, let it remain in the waters of your spirit until the storm passes : leaving and proving you stronger.     Know the word, and


  DEAR LEADER, PLEASE MARCH ON.  Dear Leader,   You're doing so well, and remember this, that you don't have a problem, so stop looking for flaws in your excellence. You're not the problem, the world is, and you're that solution they need. So yes, you're important even when you're ignored, press!       According to the Bible, Shepherds (leaders and persons who take responsibility for others) are an abomination to Egyptians (the world) and Christians who are worldly (thus under the influence of Egypt). Know this quickly, it's too important for your peace of mind! Keep checking up on them, following up and loving them like you've seen in 1John 3:16.     If they block you on social media, and when they unfollow you on Instagram, follow them in prayer, press. Stay focused, the resistance you're seeing isn't about you, it's because the gospel works, it's against the government of Jesus Christ, His kingdom.     Fight back by preaching the word