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My dear, give way, and let the word of God attack and torment foolishness and ignorance out of your being. 

Bible says Job's righteous soul was vexed and tormented (influenced) in Sodom by what he saw and heard. 

   — II Peter 2:8 records “For that righteous man (Job) dwelling among them (in Sodom), in seeing and hearing, vexed (influenced) his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds” 

This is exactly what will happen to you if you give way for your ears [the hearing of faith (Galatians 3:2)] and imagination [the eyes of your understanding] to decode [receive] the power [vision] encoded [written] in God's word, it'll torment ignorance (self-engineered darkness and thoughts) out of your life.

Jeremiah 23:29 recounts “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock (hardened and difficult addictions, suicidal thoughts, and chronic challenges) in pieces?” 

The LORD described His Word to Jeremiah as a hammer, meaning it can crush and torment ungodliness out of your life if you don't deny (resist) the power thereof. II Timothy 3:5 proves positive this statement with these words “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof : from such turn away”. 

How do we often resist this power?, you might ask, well, in many ways, but the major way we deny God's power in our lives is by forming excuses that become high towers and bulwarks that garrisons our freedom in relating with the Word and it's sharpness (double-edged efficiency) in producing results. 

We form traditions that magnify the situation and how long it's lasted, over the eternal word that is needless of such details. God has something for you in His word, a solution : Peter said to the lame man “... what I have (in the name of Jesus), I give you, rise up and walk”. The man was still sitting, he didn't wanna give way for the hammer of the word to crush that limitation, then Peter took his hand and pulled him up and he walked. My God! This will happen in your mind today, you'll walk away from suicidal thoughts, use the name of Jesus, right now. 

This was what Jesus described as being able to “grind into powder”. It'll crush and clear away that addiction, condemnation (suicidal thoughts) and struggles from your system, you'll be so shocked like never before. Just give way and let the spirit of God's word overpower you like it did with samson, and see the impossible flush out of your life, just give way for the hammer to strike. 

John the Apostle saw in the spirit, and wrote “now has come .... power and the authority of his Christ (your life)”. Listen, you're not for yourself, there's an authority over your life and it is called the Word Of God. 

John saw this too in Revelations 19:16, here he wrote “And he (Christ Jesus, your life) hath on His vesture and on his Thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”. Listen, God's word is Lord of your life, these spiritual words was what Isaiah described in Isaiah 11:1-2 as the Spirit of Lordship, the power of God's word to dictate the way you should live. Yours is to give way, give way, my friend! 

Listen, it is true that God's word can deal with any possible situation, it is true, but you have to let him be true by giving way and not denying (resisting) the power of his truth, His word. Romans 3:4 says “yes, let God be true”, meaning you have to give way for the word to act on that high suicidal thought until it's cast (brought) down. 

Listen, and be careful not to make the truth of God a lie. If you claim God's word isn't enough to help you, I promise you today from the scriptures, that no one else can. Man gives care, not cure, God's word gives both, so choose! 

In II Kings 6:27 |BBE King Joram responded to the women who looked to him as the source of help. Listen to his response carefully. 

   “And he said, If the Lord (word of God) does not give you help, where am I (as a man expected) to get help for you? from the grain-floor or the grape-crusher?” 

My dear, God's word is enough, just move away from the direction of the hammer, move away my friend, you're not addicted, there's a problem but you're not the problem, give way and let the hammer of God's word destroy that addiction you have towards suicidal thoughts! Desires grow, they don't remain the same, so give way for change, and let God's word deal with it now, lest it regenerates by dark pluripotence and multiplies uncontrollably like cancer. 

Be wise, and give way by accepting correction and reproof, be wise and fall on the rock, do not delay!


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