The absence of God's living word in your heart and mind, will be your greatest affliction in this world.
When the unforgiving torrents of boisterous winds come against the ship of your mindset, if you don't learn to drop your anchor by knowing what is written, you'll live a very painful life, and like Peter, you'll sink in the presence of Jesus and you'd be so shocked.
When Jesus was tempted by satan and his deception, He didn't say "I think", rather, He said "it is written", then Paul said to the Corinthians, "do not think outside what is written", wow, isn't that amazing, to know that God's word is a frame for our thinking throughout our stay in this world.
Feed on the word, and drop your anchor when the storms come, let it remain in the waters of your spirit until the storm passes : leaving and proving you stronger.
Know the word, and keep it in the memory of both your spirit and your physical mind. Peter says "be ready to give an answer for your faith", thus, be ready to drop an anchor so you can have rest for your soul just like Jesus taught us to do.
A Christian who doesn't know the word of God doesn't know himself, and satan will lie to such a fellow through condemnation, accusations and mental abuse. It isn't everything you face the natural way, there are things you face by walking away, thus, by denying that thing an attention in your thought. If you don't learn this biblical strategy, hear me, you're sunk!
John 7:1 records something rather intriguing, it says “... Jesus traveled throughout Galilee. He did not want to travel in Judea, because the Jews there were trying to kill Him”. Listen, it's not everything you face like the term "face" suggests, one of the things you learn to do, is to deflect things from your path that come to destroy you : you do that by not considering them in thought and practice.
The earth has lasted this long because it's not everything it allows to penetrate into its hemisphere from space. The earth's magnetosphere (thus, an enveloping magnetic field produced as a result of spinning liquid metals at its core) deflects (diverts and whips away) debris and solar sweep radiations travelling miles per hour from the sun's photosphere. It is not everything the earth faces though it's got an ozone layer, it deflects what it considers as a potential threat, and this right here is the same wisdom Jesus demonstrated when he would not allow himself through Judea for the avoidable threat that was before him!
Another quite interesting scenerio is scripted in II Kings 6:32 |EasyEnglish, here were told,
“Elisha was sitting in his house. The important men of the city were with him. The king sent a man with a message. But before he arrived, (Elisha) said to the important men, ‘(The king) is sending a killer to cut off my head. When the man with the message comes, shut the door. Keep him outside the door. The sound of his master’s feet is behind him.”
Think on this account carefully and judge for yourself who had the upper hand, definitely Elisha, because he saw what was about to happen in the spirit. Interestingly, upon seeing this threat against him, he didn't run into that bane like a man of such power should do. Here again we see wisdom, he said "shut the door", in other words — deflect the attention of the killer. God's minister faced the killer by walking away. Isn't that amazing!
Proverbs 22:3 | GW says
“Sensible (wise and prudent) people foresee trouble (danger and destruction like Jesus and Elisha foresaw) and hide from it, but gullible people (thus : ignorant, untrained, and the ones lacking spiritual anchor to stop right there) go ahead and suffer the consequence”.
Learn this wisdom, and be tough mentally with the word of God, only then can you deflect demeaning thoughts with the magnetic field the heat of God's word produces in the core of your spirit. The Christian life is easy when you're ready to learn from the word like Jesus taught us to do.
The Bible says You have an anchor for your soul (mind, emotions and intellect), so the next time your abusive guardian or boss deameans you or attempts to disgrace you, listen, Don't react naturally, don't face that situation with your natural face, quickly drop that anchor (scripture) in your spirit, knowing you're special to God, and deflect that mind game and windy temptation. Wow, this is too important!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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