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Quite interesting, 

Type this title in CHATGPT and you'll see what pops up, even the bot understands this heartfelt phrase : it came straight from my heart because of the great depression of hope and destruction of potentials a faulty system like the subject of this discussion has aggravated. 

I'll love to take this opportunity to bring something very important to your notice, on why you need to only invest in things you understand : a biblical subject which I may or may never mention again in a long time. 

This is very biblical. Job 12:3 stated “But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you” . If you're still inferior in trading after many years, it's not a skill issue, it's a foundational issue you cannot repair, where you're trying to explain why 1+1 can be equal to 11 sometimes, hence you'll forever be inferior in consistent profit making since the understanding is faulty and heavily manipulated by default, don't be fooled. Believe the Bible! 

I don't demonise trading, but on a 1:100 ratio, I'll invest 1 in FX (a manipulated buy and sell market) FOR FUN (just to exercise my fingers) and 100 in a BUY AND SELL business I UNDERSTAND, eg. Clothes, Furniture, Properties etc. Just follow wisdom from the Bible! 

What I want you to know is this, only invest in things you understand, don't demonise what you don't understand, just move away because you'll never be superior in what can't be understood, a classic example being the heavily manipulated FX market. This is the only buy and sell market where 1+1 can be equal to 11 tomorrow, and they'll explain it away with charts and complex economics, it's a technocratic hegemony, and could-be draconian labyrinthed system of self-entangled impoverishment. Job 12:3 stated “But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you”. Any opportunity you can't hold in understanding fully, is not for you as a child of God. 

Your maturity is your leverage, to know when to move away from something which is destroying your fund is wisdom, there are decisions you cannot make if you have a weak foundational information from God's word. I thank God for the scriptures because it has saved myself and others who now use funds in businesses we understand!

Basically, everything I do as a child of God, I go big! Yes, Daystar started a great network of forex traders around the world. You can check ig, you'll see defunct accounts of our cgaambassadors, we were picking up big but I noticed a chasm and deception in the knowledge base of the market. To you who requires counsel, read this well, and to you reading with judgements in mind : don't look far, ask : “am I investing in a business I understand, and what are my results to show ?” 

Way back in 2019, we were running a base in South Africa (a different institute name), teaching and managing few accounts, another in Pennsylvania USA (many of my students and ambassadors can attest to that), and CGA (Caprice gelt academy) which trained over 300 students for free in Africa, most of which trade BTC and are successful in whatever they applied that knowledge. 

If you're asking of my credentials :

All the clothes I sold in bulk in 2019, was from trade, my sustenance after 2019 was trade. I'm not boasting, but I've done what's difficult and unthinkable, I've traded a $1.72 account overnight to $270, and $5 to over $850, within few hours, I have many witnesses alive today. And many other trades with little test funds, but THE SYSTEM IS HEAVILY MANIPULATED. Just know, that I understand why I opted out, I wasn't a newbie, so I have the credentials to talk right here. 

So yes, I may share more details someday why I opted out, though I was mocked by people, colleagues etc for abandoning "a promising future they call", I knew the cost. Someday we'll share the story and the need to be guided by the scriptures, it's my decision, but it was wisdom from the Bible.

So yes, I don't demonise FX, though I could have been what you admire on the net but it'll be through the pain of the losses of others, I know what I'm saying because I've made such money that sustained me for long, but what was the joy, and I understood that very well, oh yes, I know what I'm talking about cos I went very far in this thing, but time will prove the worth of this great decision. What do I gain in the pain and losses caused to families, the dark side of what I won't mention today. 

You have the power to either debate or accept, you can as well prove me right by going that path with all you have, and it wouldn't be too long for the Bible to be right, oh yes : I dare you, it's a choice, but make the best!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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