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 “If you have intense challenges focusing on one thing. Perhaps you've just discovered the pressing need to take a break from "social media addiction". I'll like to congratulate you for this penultimate decision unto discipline and success.

   I have a way out for you, baby steps, nothing pandemonium. Get an audio book on your phone, Or a pdf on your Adobe reader or any other reader with an audio programming. Use a Christian literature on a graceful subject. Play the book as an audio and go about your usual activity like you did before, this time : not the social media, but something else. 

   Take advantage of the moment of listening to train your mind to focus on the book you're reading. You'll have struggles focusing, I can assure you of that, but pull your mind back when you drift, it'll be like war : but make up your mind to win. Doing this for long will provoke a natural discipline and flow in your mind, humbling the mind to focus in the midst of the media circus of this day. Retrain yourself, be intentional about it!” 

1 Timothy 4:7-8 |GW reads, 

       “Don’t have anything to do with godless myths (like the social media : with its dictates, dictums and dogmas) that old women like to tell. Rather, TRAIN YOURSELF (exercise, introduce discipline) TO LIVE A GODLY LIFE. TRAINING THE BODY (THE NATURAL MIND) helps a little, but GODLY living (TRAINING WITH SCRIPTURE) HELPS in every way. Godly living has the promise of life now and in the world to come”.

    Isaiah 26:3 says “God keeps in perfect peace, A PERSON WHOSE MIND IS STAYED ON (THUS, DOESN'T DRIFT FROM) THE WORD”. This right here explains everything I'm sharing with you, there's the need to stay your mind on what is important, away from what is distracting you today. Paul described it as godly exercise, a necessary discipline for a godly life. It is the easy way to build less resistance to the word for a total transformation. Do it today! 

    Make up your mind to win in the mind, and go for the goal until you win, hold it back from your inside and say "no" when you notice a drift, win in that struggle, win! , exercise your mind to live the Christian life, this is too important, Wow!


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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