YES, THERE'S A TIME YOU'RE NOT Success is also knowing what you're not, at a particular time. John the Baptist knew he wasn't the Messiah, and that made him one of the greatest born of a woman, Jesus said so. Listen, there's a time you're not qualified to be a teacher, that's when to sit and learn, so you save both yourself and your hearers, Paul said this to Timothy heartily. Hebrews 5:12 |BBE states “And though by this time it would be right for you to be teachers...”, implying there's a time you're not, and launching out at the wrong time will cripple your growth by the weight of responsibility! Once you recognize you're not yet equipped to be a tutor, see it as the right launch window to press on in accurate knowledge, that's when you should be slow to speak and quick to listen. You might ask, "okay, so when should I get into the position of teaching (not just leading)", it's simple, when you can now identify w...