As established in Parts I & II, Pharoah will not to let you go, and that is why he'll increase your salary. He just hates it when you still have the strength to serve God, so you must rebel..
He'll so hurt you, until you're childish and slow of heeding to God's word. You can't heed to God's word anymore if Egypt takes over your life, your boss will now be your God, and he'll weaken the power of God's word in your life.
Exodus 6:9 says,
“So Moses spoke thus to the children of Israel; but they did not heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit and cruel bondage”.
God's children couldn't heed to God's word of freedom anymore, because of the cycle of control they were subject to for centuries, just like the circadian rhythm that controls the cycles of human activity in the body, their mindset were remolded using tools of deprivity and anguish, until they found comfort in discomfort, and that was a permanent damage. And when they had left Egypt, they still desired for the garlics and relics of Egypt, desiring to die rather in the graves of Egypt, preferring to die in someone's company rather than their own, what a way to be damaged!
You'd also notice it's children who get hurt with blisters so easily, so don't be a child to Pharoah, else he'll hurt you, and destroy your health, you've been made a God to him, let him know it. Listen, he doesn't understand the language of humility, he only responds to rebellion and wonders, like Moses performed in Egypt.
Psalms 66:3 says “... through the greatness of your power shall your enemies submit themselves unto thee”.
Listen, Pharoah (your enemy) wouldn't submit to begging, he submits to power, and that power is in your words. He's like the men of Sodom who wants to sleep with you, to defile your potentials and destroy you, so like the angels did, You have to blind him and loosen his grapple on your life. Beat him down with the voice of the Lord, which is God's word.
He owns the political system, Luke (in Luke 4:5) described it as “oikoumenē”, a political hegemony, with it's draconian policies and scorpion-like taxes just like Rehoboam was inspired and purported to inflict on God's children.
Genesis 4:15 |DRC says
“.... And the Lord set A MARK upon Cain, that whosoever FOUND HIM should not kill him”.
There's a mark that makes people find you, and it's already on your life today. You weren't built to go around seeking for employment and opportunities, create them with your words and give expression to your faith with works. The Bible says in every labor there is profit, start it, it will work out irrespective of the challenges, you'll still win. My God!
Believe what God says about you, and walk in this consciousness, that there's a mark on your life. Never rush for anything in this world, you're a king, and all things are yours.
When God places a mark on your life like cain, be like Paul and bear that mark like a garment. If God says you'll take over nations and build companies, take that word like a ball , move with that word onto God's football pitch and run on His calendar . And keep saying to yourself “because there's a mark of success on my life, they'll find me , I cannot be hidden” And with this ball around my feet, declare “it is a goal in the name of Jesus, I've won over Pharoah, O' I've won. My God !”.
Move with the ball of prophecy, running on God's calender, and shoot the ball. My God!
This is now to respond to Pharoah and beat down assyria, using Galatians 6:17,
“From today, let no man (Pharoah) trouble me : because I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” Wow!.
Know who you are, let things find you, don't chase anything in this life. From today, never chase a vehicle, never run after a commercial vehicle to get on board, don't think like an African, fight back the psychological control, you're a king.
Catch yourself in the run and hold back. Beat down assyria by saying to yourself “I'm a king, I don't chase after vehicles”, practice your true state of being in the most basic aspects of life, and don't let bondage (want and lack) damage you into subservience. Never let Pharoah tell you who you are because he doesn't know you, neither does he respect your God. Know who you are today, and beat down Assyria with her chains!
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