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I STILL LOVE YOU by π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€



▪️ Scriptural Foundation

Do not make decisions about love or relationships without grounding them in God’s Word.

God responds to His Word, not emotions.

Every detail about relationships can be found in how God does things through His Word.

▪️ Sowing and Reaping in Relationships

God determines the “body” of what is sown. What you reap may differ in form but will align with what was sown.

Continue sowing love—don’t grow weary.

▪️ Avoiding Trends and Ignorance

Trends are temporary; don’t let them guide your relationships.

Ignorance breeds darkness, but God’s Word brings light and progress.

▪️ Correction by the Word

If mistakes can’t be corrected by the Word, you’re looking in the wrong place.

Relationships flourish when based on God’s Word.

▪️ Communication and Truthfulness

Speak honestly and clearly—don’t assume others understand unspoken thoughts.

Train yourself to be truthful, especially if not yet in a relationship.

Never compare yourself with others in relationships.

▪️ God’s Word and Relationship Success

Relying on God’s Word brings surprising, divine results; logic alone limits outcomes.

Handling small situations well prepares you for larger challenges.

▪️ Wisdom in Relationships

Wisdom brings sanctification and distinction.

A woman builds, not destroys, her home.

Seek righteousness over what is merely pleasing.

▪️ Vision and Pillars

Cast current situations into the future to assess the longevity of your relationship.

Walk away if foundational pillars are absent.

▪️ Decision-Making and Leadership

A man is called to lead by God’s Word, not by dominance.

No woman respects a man who is indecisive about God’s direction.

▪️ Emotional Maturity

Serve and communicate even when emotional.

Overcome negative reactions with good deeds (Romans 12:21).

Invest in reading God’s Word and other helpful materials for insight.

▪️ Humility and Conflict

Humility comes from remembering the good times.

Conflict should be handled with the mindset of making the relationship work.


Joint Accounts: Consider one joint account but maintain others. The Word advises diversifying resources (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2).

Giving Monthly Support: Only give if necessary. Gifts should be thoughtful and not excessive.

Motive to Marry: Marriage is for serving, mutual growth in Christ, and protecting the revelation of Christ and the church.

Key Characteristics: Look for teachability in a woman and vision in a man that’s not just financial but rooted in God’s Word.

Marriage Readiness: Always seek your pastor’s counsel. They know you and can discern readiness.

Leader-Member Relationships: Consult your leader, and follow their guidance. Don’t present decisions as final without their input.


Accept what happened and move forward, knowing God’s love remains.

Trust may be broken, and rebuilding takes time, so avoid situations leading to sin.


Take advantage of God’s Word during courtship.

Choose someone who listens and is teachable.

Removing God’s Word from your relationship guarantees destruction 

If faced with violence or serious issues, inform your leaders and walk away if necessary.


π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€


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