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My dear, someday we'll all return home like a little boy with his two arms swinging through his school bag, but the joy of our transition will be dependent on what we each did with our time in school (our world) and what we used our break hours for : we'll say to one another, this faithful saying and true — where's my school bag, where's my school bag, hurry : where are the souls I won, where are the people I followed up on to church, hurry please, daddy is calling me, it's time - it's time, I'm going home. 

Indeed, we'll be going home someday, and everyday ushers us closer to the ringing of that closing bell. And say like Reuben (in Genesis 44:34) : I ought to come to this firm realization and focus :

      “How can I go back to my (Heavenly) Father if the boy (my generation) is not with me? No! Do not let me see (return to) the misery (shame) that would come upon my Father (as though the gospel was powerless)

Just as Jesus explained the parable of the sower, I'll love to explain and expound on the key instruments listed in the brief masterpiece above : 

  Interestingly, this reflection carries a deep and touching metaphor about life and our spiritual journey, comparing it to a school experience. The imagery of returning home with our school bag—representing the fruits of our labor and the souls we impacted—invokes a powerful sense of purpose. 

In this metaphor, life is a school, and every moment is an opportunity to invest in what matters eternally. When it's time to "go home," to meet our Creator and Father like Reuben meeting Jacob, the things that will matter most are the lives we touched and the greater works we accomplished.

It's a beautiful and thought-provoking reminder that our time here is finite, and we should make the most of it by fulfilling our purpose with love, faith, and service to others. The urgency and excitement in the lines about the call to "go home" gave it a heartfelt, inspiring tone, making one reflect on the legacy they will leave behind.

“Hey cheer up, cheer up : I'll see you at home, I'll see you at home” — has since been the song of this bride of Christ after He was raised from the dead, and yes on this same note of confidence : I look forward to harmonising with you, having put on our bright smiles when that time comes. 

Live for something greater than yourself, live for others, let your life count in saving others because that is when you really live. Selah! 


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾



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