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What if the fiscal imbalance sprouting in the marriage stems from (or centres on) information assymetry and not a presumed laziness, what if ? 


Should a woman's financial earnings fester disrespect if the man doesn't match up to her financial standing (fiscal superfluity) at one point in the marriage ? 


Alright, if it's directed at ministry-minded Christians, I suggest that prior to marriage, choosing a woman who fits and understands “the nature of the call and the challenges that befall the called” (thus before marriage) solves a bulk of these issues, if not all, the remaining quadrant will just be notable outbursts of concern for the man to take responsibility, but never to mean any disrespect. 

Also the Bible states that money doesn't answer all things, I know that might occur to you as a big hit, but don't be : remember that the verse rather implies money responds (thus "answers to" / "pays for") "all" merrymaking, so money is for bills, that is the purpose of money, it's not to mean anything beyond this, nor to fester any disrespect in attacking the roots of the joy and mutual understanding in marriage.

Ecclesiastes 10:19 |KJV states, 

   “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things”. 

          — Interestingly, the word “things” was not part of the original manuscript, and it's indicated in Italics in the King James Version and more recent contemporary versions. This is to mean it wasn't a general statement to imply that money answers all things, but rather “all of what the writer mentioned”, thus the emblems of sensual celebration (laughter and merry making). Mind you, laughter here doesn't mean joy, so never base the joy of marriage on money. With that faultline in your thinking process, the scriptures cannot support you and you'll definitely struggle in that union. 

Now, once offshooting concerns from the woman are genuinely directed at encouraging the man perform his "pater-ly" role, then the woman is right the Bible way, in facelifting the love in godly marriage. Colossians 2:19 eisegetically mentions the need to “hold fast to the head” as a bride, meaning to be ever supportive no matter the press and pull to react sourly, a virtuous woman holds fast to the head (her man) no matter the challenges thrown against the union, she never holds fast to disrespect. 

Listen my dear, you chose to marry a man, not money, and that choice was made while he was joyful, with or without the money, so you have no right to choose money over this choice of a man you made, regardless. 

According to Proverbs 31:23, a canticle of a wise and virtuous woman, the verse says “Her husband is respected outside the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land”. 

As a man, once your integrity and respect is muddied outside the doors of your bedroom, you're definitely not married to a virtuous woman or a person of character. Irrespective of the prevailing odds, a man who cannot be known outside the gates of his bedroom as being capable is definitely going to be weakened cognitively and helped (by his "paraklet") to pain : a contradiction of who a true woman of virtue is, such a woman doesn't FEAR the Lord, hence her actions should not be PRAISED no matter the intentions behind it. 

Proverbs 31:30 |CPDV recounts, 

    “Charm is false, and beauty is vain. The woman who FEARS (acts wisely before) the Lord (also to mean "her husband/lord"), the same shall be PRAISED”.

Let's revert to our opening theme for a succinct closure, 

Now what is "Fiscal superfluity"? , 

According to the dictionary, it refers to an excess or surplus of financial resources, typically in the context of government budgets, corporate finances, or economic conditions. It indicates that there is more revenue than necessary to cover expenses, which could lead to increased savings, investment, or discretionary spending.

I used "fiscal" because marriage is an institution just like the government, hence the surplus experienced on one side should in no wise speed up an imbalance. Now let's talk! 

What if the advantage from the side of the woman is fostered by “information assymetry” in relation to her knowledge of making much money — then she has a responsibility to share that knowledge with the man to restore that balance away from the coming aftermaths if her ill actions persist. 

Information asymmetry in marriage occurs when one spouse has significantly more knowledge about certain aspects of the relationship, finances, personal history, or intentions than the other. This imbalance can impact trust, decision-making, and the overall stability of the marriage. This is the cause of many financial dependencies or hidden liabilities. And a woman has no excuse not to know this! 

My dear, if it's financial knowledge you have that makes you produce more money than him, don't just assume he knows, don't make everything look mysterious, step down from your high horse and show that you care, contribute what makes you financially effective, and be part of the solution process. 


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