FISCAL SUPERFLUITY IN MARRIAGE & HOW TO NAVIGATE YOUR WAY THROUGH THIS QUAGMIRE LINE OF DISCOURSE : What if the fiscal imbalance sprouting in the marriage stems from (or centres on) information assymetry and not a presumed laziness, what if ? QUESTION. Should a woman's financial earnings fester disrespect if the man doesn't match up to her financial standing (fiscal superfluity) at one point in the marriage ? MY RESPONSE : Alright, if it's directed at ministry-minded Christians, I suggest that prior to marriage, choosing a woman who fits and understands “the nature of the call and the challenges that befall the called” (thus before marriage) solves a bulk of these issues, if not all, the remaining quadrant will just be notable outbursts of concern for the man to take responsibility, but never to mean any disrespect. Also the Bible states that money doesn't answer all things, I know that might occur to you as a big hit, but don't be : rememb...