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RELATIONSHIP NUGGETS BY π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€

 RELATIONSHIP NUGGETS BY π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€


“Why do women feel so inferior in a relationship? It's very simple, it's due to lack of understanding, foresight and value orientation. In Job.12:3, Job exclaimed “But I have understanding as well as you ; I am not inferior to you ... ”. 

1Kings 3:12 recounts of Solomon “... I've given you a wise and an UNDERSTANDING HEART, so that there's NONE LIKE YOU, BEFORE YOU and AFTER YOU”. Listen, the reason why that young gentleman moved on was because there was someone else like you, before (ahead of) you in understanding and after you (as an option). An understanding heart is one key condiment that binds a relationship, it makes you distinct and almost irreplaceable. Jeremiah 3:15 then informs us of how understanding comes, and it's through the light of the teaching of God's word”. 


“Now 1Kng 12:7, Rehoboam the king consulted with the old men on how to RELATE and FLOW with the people he was NOW IN RELATION WITH. And he was told to be a servant : SERVE THEM, ANSWER THEM AND SPEAK NICELY (GOOD WORDS) TO THEM, then they'll be your servants FOREVER.”. If you want a lasting (forever) relationship, you must learn to ANSWER your beloved even when you feel like switching moods, and SPEAK NICELY always. If you do not observe this but rather choose to be a slave of your emotions, you'll soon split apart just like the kingdom was split between Rehoboam and Jeroboam because one didn't learn to answer (respond in conversations nicely).” 


“Listen, Jesus, our model for godly living, looked like He would go to Jerusalem, His destination was expressed on his face. In this same wise, in a relationship, look like where you're going, look like someone who wants the relationship work, let it show in your emotions and on your face, don't frown when having discussions with your beloved. Look like one who wants things to get better when it's most convenient to react sourly. God asked cain “why are you angry, and why is your facial expression droopy”, even God Almighty is concerned about facial expression. My dear, don't get used to anger, look like peace, smile”.


           A special valentines day service with π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€

Summarised Excerpt

Sample Questions :


▪️Good Evening Sir, 

Please What's Your Take On Joint Accounts :

▪️My Response : 

Consider one joint account but maintain others in your name. The Word of God advises diversifying resources (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2). Even God did cast His seed upon many waters, that's what the Bible says. 

This & More Available In Full @


π’Ÿπ’Άπ“Žπ“ˆπ“‰π’Άπ“‡ π’₯π’žπ»π‘€


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