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𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀, Smorgasbord SO1-EO1

𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀, 

Smorgasbord SO1-EO1


Just call, He'll answer and show you things you never thought possible. This is what the Bible says, and it's why we pray : just call my dear, It's an invitation for a visitation so He shows you available things. This is why we pray. He said to call, always and without ceasing! 


There's cure for addiction. God's word is that medicine (cure) to your flesh (all the personal challenges in the flesh), never cave in : there is a cure, a medicine to all fleshy issues, it is God's word : that is what the Bible (Proverbs 4:22) says. 

      God said in His word that enemies (like we have the flesh today) will come against (fighting and wanting to dominate) you in one way but they shall flee before you in seven ways (scattered and weakened). 

     If they came as a broom, with a united front, that addiction will leave you as broken broomsticks, scattered and weakened in their effect. Wow!  


There are challenges you'll have in the flesh, and the only grace you'll have sufficient for the moment and even in a long while (II Cor. 12:9), is a grace to help you not to give that thing expression, a grace to endure that affliction, but it may not go in the manner you wish for, and it'll all be part of the training to dematerialize your confidence in the flesh (self effort in trying to get things right before God) into depending on His love for you entirely. 

     So count it all joy even when your heart (mind) condemns (judges) you like John the Apostle said, remember (taking into account as the most important thing) that God is greater than that misbehaving mind and knows all things, and why that grace is what's available for the moment.

     Take advantage of it and grow the muscles of your faith, and say “I have overcome the world and it's worldliness”. Wow!  


I have an advise for you : if for now you have to resort to commercial transport to school or work, never push people down or aback when getting on board, especially if you find yourself in the orients, the Eastern Hemisphere (alias, 3rd world continents : partly Eurasia, Africa and Australia), don't let the system provoke you into damaging your fine mental fabric. 

    How twisted it is to realise the same people you wish to lead tomorrow in the vehicle of leadership are the very people you're pushing down in commercial transport. Subjugate the control and fragment yourself away from that evil trail of pulling others down to rise. 

   The communist nation China upholds one key fiendish theory, a draconian policy for fiscal and political subtefuge : and it states “if you want to stand tall, you have to cut off the heads of those around you”, and that is what this world teaches you. I've often watched students at my premier university swarm into lecture halls like kids : "goats", intoxicated by the drag-down system, pushing others in their press for what they claim to be education. 

    It's been one of the sadest scenes I've witnessed, to see the hope of nations, educated folks, brutally pushing down others for access, how terrible. Listen, it doesn't matter where you grew up or how you were raised, don't get used to things that are not excellent, throw off the chains of poverty and escape that corruption of a weakened mind. Be different! 


In the kingdom, if the flesh is highly sensitive, you'll use (ab-use, abnormally-use) yourself in serving the Lord, but when it's submitted to the rule and consciousness of the word : God will use you because He only testifies and responds to His Word .. Whoever lords your heart will use you : be it the Lord or the self (flesh). In all you do, just make sure you're not using yourself in serving the Lord with the gift He gave you, let God use you, don't use yourself. This right here is the place of rest in the kingdom of Christ. 


The next time you say I think so, what you really mean is “I think yes, I think done, I think Amen!”, it's your thinking about the fulfilled promises of God because Bible says all the promises of God are in Christ as yes and Amen. So when suppressive thoughts and situational conditions ask you the rhetoric, “do you think you can make it in life”, respond with a resounding yes, and think the finished work : Amen, it is so in my life, forever the word is settled in me. Glory to God.


T.L. Osborne said “those who are concerned about what people think about them are the slaves of the last people they talk to”

POV : How true, because they always carry the burden of pleasing somebody. Be concerned about Christ, don't make human pleasing your goal. 


A man is moved by what he sees, and this explains why our works matter to our bridegroom Christ Jesus, whom Paul described as “the man Christ Jesus”. Commit to kingdom service because men are moved by what they see. 


At the end of it all, if you never achieved much, then you never thought much was possible. 


Lord teach me your ways means Lord teach me how you do it. 


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾

𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀


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