Aren't you tired of trying to make things happen by yourself, aren't you pained by the stretching disappointment of self effort, and wouldn't it be a good vision to desire the words spoken by Isaiah the prophet : “who are these that fly (appear lifted and plucked up) like clouds?”, effortless!
My dear, Allow God's word to pluck you out of situations like a guitarist would pluck a musical note by daring the strings of the instrument upwards, undulating the pattern of play.
In challenging moments, all you need to do is raise your hands to the Lord like an available string, so God's word by the help (agency) of the Holy Spirit can carry you away from that sinking turbulence of discordant sound and testimony.
It is a known fact that most musical instruments function with the wind, and that music production is nothing but the tampering of frequencies, and creation, punching and plucking of holes in the sound spectrum. Interestingly, the more stiff and seemingly restricted strings are on the guitar, the more easier it becomes to produce the most distinct sound of choice.
This is a parallel explanation to mean : the more challenging it appears to come out of a situation, the more easier it actually is, if you'd only allow yourself to be plucked out by the power of the Holy Spirit, who also is called the wind of God.
Did you know, that when Paul said we are God's workmanship created in Christ onto good works, the Greek word for workmanship is where the term poem originates from, which is a flow of music, a sinking together of goodly notes, a testimony that indeed, all things work together for our good and for a distinctly pleasant sound.
Are you aware that temperature has a significant effect on the propagation of sound. Primarily, the Speed of Sound is greatly influenced by temperature (heat or cold, challenges or calm). Proven true is this, that sound is faster in warmer air, it prospers in pressurised and challenging atmospheres. This right here is why Bible says to count it all joy when you're tempted in discomfort (the heat of this world).
Basically, the speed of sound increases as the temperature rises. The only thing is, Jeremiah 17:8 says “.... And will not fear when heat comes”, meaning the heat will cause you to do well, but you're not supposed to fear the heat because it came to increase your speed and amplitude.
Conversely, in cooler temperatures, when challenges seem infinitesimally low, and near at zero degree. In a time of great calm, be careful because it's often a low progress mode. Likewise, it's wisdom not to notice when the heat comes, that is how the Hebrew renders the phrase “shall not fear”. The heat is necessary for the spreading, but it shouldn't become your object of focus, it's been employed to work for your good.
You'll be amazed that even though it seems more conducive in moments of calm to rejoice, it's much more profitable in moments of war and turbulence for God's people.
My dear, the more challenging things become, the more glorious the rhythm of your personality will be in the spirit. So focus and count it all joy. O' hallelujah, Wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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