Listen my friend, you weren't born that way, so don't ever accept that abuse of gaslighting, fraud and laughable delusion. The bible says “when desire comes, it is a tree of life”, this means desire comes, it's never naturally existing, remember that.
I used a very important term in psychology, thus mind study, the word being to “gaslight” : now the Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines the phenomenon in this wise,
“To gaslight means to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability : thus, to subject (someone) to gaslighting”.
This is the phrase of interest, “so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts”, this is exactly what happens when you loosen your cell walls as a tree of righteousness, you break the hedge and that's how the serpent strikes hard from behind.
Anything that makes you question your sexuality has already made a victim out of you. This is the foundation of science : the kind of empirical knowledge that dares to question the infallible word of God, and that's the kind of knowledge that suggest “did God really say you're male”, the same delusion of acid that dissolved the resolute word of God in Adam and Eve, “did God really say?”. Accept who God made you and don't ever fall out of line, it's wrong, it's hatred against God.
Remember what the bible says concerning desire, it says “when desire comes”, meaning desire proceeds from an external source, be it godly or ungodly, and you should be very careful of the pollution you see on the social media of today, because they're a bundle of desires transmitted to you, a force that carries you in it's direction, resist darkness with light.
The coming of desire should also mean, the inherent desire to be male wasn't left to the grip of biology to decide, nor is it an offshoot of natural selection, listen, that specific gender allocated you was put in there by God, so any defect and confusion is a gene editing and you must resist the devil for his attack on your cell walls as a tree of righteousness, thus his siege on your understanding as a man called to represent Christ as lord in the life of a woman, it's an attack on the institution of marriage, order and headship. Never tolerate that foolishness and punishment on self.
A woman receives seed (sperm) and penetration from the man, and that is how God designed it to fit the bigger picture. You can't change it, a man gives, he cannot be penetrated by another man, it's illegal to the order of his body because he wasn't built to submit sexually. Now as the bride of Christ, we've been called to receive seed (rhema word) from our bridegroom, the Man Christ Jesus.
And to those who claim the delusion that they are “bisexual”, these are those who do not understand the eternal purpose and wisdom of God. All those desires came from a source.
Let me explain something to you, according to the scriptures man is a spirit. And the only time a spirit described himself in plurality and with a Populous sense of personality was when a demon spoke in the man. Recorded in Mark 5:9, Jesus asked the man (spirit), “What is your name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion : for we are many”.
In other words, the demon said “my name is many”, to simply put, “I'm not straight, I'm bi, I'm they, I'm trans, I'm a many personality, a multitude of rebellion in one man”.
Fallen angels (unclean spirits) are neither male nor female, though they are assigned a masculine personality for their show of strength and responsibility. So for a fallen angel to institute pluralism in himself to say “I am many”, reveals the demonic concept of admitting pluralism in sexuality. You're not bisexual, reject that satanic report card and diagnostics, you're a man or a woman based on how God made you, period!
Even if you were born as an intersex, having both sexual organs. You still don't stand the chance to confusion as a child of God, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of your assigned gender, don't choose it based on how you feel, don't allow satan to win with biology. Overcome his evil with the good report of God's word and accept it as truth and you'll be free. Keep speaking to your body, miracles are real, one day you'll wake up with only the right organ, the other one will fade away because deception cannot stand with truth and light. Wow!
And to those who say “Sir, I just love being around another man as my best friend, is that also wrong, and could that make me a yag spelt backwards”, listen, there's nothing wrong about that if it's not founded on sexual perversion, don't sexualise another same sex, that is an anomaly of life.
Sexualising your male friend as a male is the only underlying factor that destroys that good relationship, any other show of affection is nothing new, it's just a flow of unconditionally (unrestrained) love. Didn't you read the bible saying David loved Jonathan, and their friendship was described as love that exceeded the love for a women, and yet never did we read anything sexual between them.
2 Samuel 1:26 |NLT recounts the words of David at the news of Jonathan's death, this was his canticle,
“How I weep for you, my brother Jonathan! Oh, how much I loved you! And your love for me was deep, deeper than the love of women!”
John the Apostle was so affectionate towards Jesus (God Himself), so much so he placed his head on Jesus' bosom like a lover would do, yet nothing sexual was recorded between them, and you can't even think that abomination. This tells us there's really a friend that sticks closer just like the bible says, and it cuts across all genders, but it must never be sexual, that is the denominator that destroys the setting of friendship.
Did you know that satan's grand plan for same sex relations is designed to plant seeds of unexplainable hatred amongst people. Listen, there's a veil, and Paul told the Corinthians that it's a veil that can be taken off, and that's what Satan does, when he finally takes off that veil, then you'll realise you've been played and defrauded, it'll destroy the root of your affection, now all you can offer the world around you is pain and hatred. Remember Tamar's rape incident in 2 Samuel 13. Tamar was the daughter of King David was raped by her half-brother named Amnon, and the result was terrible.
The bible says after that illegal Sexual act, Amnon hated Tamar, and the hatred he now had for her outweighed the love he once had for her. Listen, that evil desire of same sex came to destroy and plant hatred in your heart, don't wait to realise what I'm telling you is true. Tell that emotional illness to leave you in Jesus' name, it will go, don't be afraid, talk to your body to come back to it's original state in the mind of God. Talk to your pastor or a spiritual leader you trust, and expose that thing for God's word to deal with it. All you need is a higher desire from God's word, to replace that counterfeit of Sexual desire and attraction.
Indeed, satan is subtly destroying the males of our world by feminising them beyond the reach of understanding, becoming what you just can't believe, but we won't also stop teaching the word and destroying the power of evil on their conscience.
Mind you, it's the same influence of medieval evil expressing itself in a different form, the same demon that inspired Herod to kill the young males of Bethlehem was the same influence that caused Pharaoh to annihilate the males of Egypt.
What is happening in our world today is a declaration of war on masculinity, the first of God's creation, it's a war of attrition on the mind, meaning one party will definitely lose. Fatherhood is being attacked from behind and then passed into law, it's an ambush we must choose to see, and it's time we wake up and fight, but how?, by standing with the truth in prayer. O' Hallelujah, Wow!
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