Think about what happens in a city, think of the transactions closing by the seconds. My dear, you're not a village, hence you cannot have a dull and uninspiring life. So don't listen to those that say you're boring and unfit for conversations, they're lying to you, don't believe them, believe what Jesus said. You're a child of Influence, Jesus said you're a city set on a hill and cannot be hidden.
You're a city of light my dear, a force of attraction, a choicest site and landmark, you didn't need UNESCO for that honor, God made you a city and a praise of Himself in all the earth. Where then is the place for depression, loneliness and discouragement, if you'd only accept how active and busy your life is as a city.A city is never dull, a village can be, but not a city.
Good things are happening on your behalf every second because you're a city, surrounded by towering skyscrapers of influential persons and systems, how can you be poor if you even know the GDP of a physical city, how can you be poor.
Think like this continually, don't worry, believe the word by speaking it forth and say everyday “I am a city, not a room, not a village, not a work in progress, no no no, I'm a city in Christ”. Wow!
There are cities, there are strong cities, and there are those that takeover other cities by extending their borders of Influence, their branches go over the wall like Jacob's prophecy to Joseph, they know no limits.
Men who extent beyond borders are those that deprive themselves any form of rest until they take over cities with the intent of installing their own aeon, dispensation, time and era. So you'd often hear people say in the time of Christ, in the days of Julius Caesar, in the era of Socrates and plato, why such forms of descriptions, it's because these men lived like cities, their words, thoughts and ideas shaped cities on an ecumenical scale, the took over their world, extending borders with their knowledge and bigotry.
Which one of these are you : are you just a city, a strong city or a city that takes over other cities with influence : it's a choice you'll have to make using words!
My dear, be so full of the word of God, not problems. And let that word show on your life through meditation and profession.
Just like we see the intensity of problems expressed on the faces of those overwhelmed by it, you're to let the word in your mouth come forth and let it show on your life, be so full of it, and until it shows for your world to see, don't ever stop pouring the word into your heart.
Till there are sufficient words enough to produce a flood, a downpour with currents of power enough to carry you in the direction of your words, don't be quiet, keep promoting yourself with the words of God. Preach the gospel to yourself, and think like a city without limits, flood yourself with good news until that's all you can see around you, physically. Wow!
There are those that say “more room for improvement”, no brotherrr, I'm not a room, I'm a city, that's where I start from, I'm a city set on a hill, Jesus said so, so please don't wish me more rooms because that's not how we improve, a room is in a city, and I am that city set on a hill and cannot be hidden. I am a city. O' Hallelujah! Say it everyday!
Listen, Big things happen in the city, and that is what your life will be, you'll do big things in Jesus' name. Wow!
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