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Your worth and value is what God says about you. The price paid for a product in a marketplace reveals the value the buyer places on the product. Now the life of Jesus was the price your Heavenly Father paid for your salvation and freedom. 

Not long ago, I was at a bookstore purchasing some books on discount. Right there a young man came to pick some of the books, then He made a very intriguing statement, he said “I wouldn't have bought it, but for the price”. His words hit me, I was like wow. What caught my attention wasn't the discount but the fact that he was drawn to the books because of the value placed on it! 

Do you know the value God has placed on your life, if yes, what more can you place on yourself to make up for any assumed deficiency you may be entertaining. And the most common deficiency I hear of is the catchphrase “pay the price for God to use you”. Listen, your generation will respond to you because of the price God paid for your life. Remember what the young man said to me : “I wouldn't have bought it, but for the price”  

Ephesians 2:18 acknowledges “For through him [Jesus by His finished work and price paid] we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father”. Then in chapter 3 verses 12, Paul rightly stated again, “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him”. 

My dear, you already have full access and a pass to influence your generation. Just accept what God says about it because that's your value, the price He's placed on your life. Sadly, I often hear amazing people of God still saying, “you have to pay the price for God to use you”, and for a moment I just wonder what they're really talking about. Listen well enough, you don't have to pay any price for God to use you, neither are you to settle a cost in order to do mighty things for God. Read your bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you with the right understanding, if not you'll only afflict yourself with works. 

    He legally owns you at a cost because you were bought with a price. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says “For you were bought with a price : therefore glorify God in your body” , and in your spirit, which are God's. 

    The Greek calls it a redemptive purchase, exagorazo, meaning to buy in such a way that it's an overpayment. So what other cost can you afford aside what Jesus did for you, what more can you afford if you couldn't even settle the bill for your own life. 

    Your Heavenly Father has already paid the full price in Christ, all you need to do is accept it, after payment, He then gave you the receipt called faith, the evidence that all expenses were paid with the life (blood) Jesus laid down.  All you have to do is show the receipt to your world when questioned, the receipt is your victory, John described it as faith, the victory that overcomes the world. 

   The book of Hebrews recount “By faith the elders obtained a good report”, they didn't obtain it by paying any price, so don't try to prove anything to anyone, your proof and receipt is what Jesus did, the book of Romans says “He was proved to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead”. 

   Jesus  paid the full price alone, yes : He bore it all alone, this means God is pleased with you everyday. Isn't that amazing. You have the proof and receipt, the document of ownership. Paul called it “the word of faith which we preach (declare)”. He's already been proved, so there's no need to prove a point to anyone by works. 

    Only receive and manifestly declare the receipt in your words, state exactly what you see on the receipt, don't try to be wise in your own conceit, talk like you have the victory, talk like that everyday. 

   My dear, you already have the receipt once you believe in Jesus, So Jesus once asked His disciples, “where is your faith”, your title deed, in other words He was just asking them : “why couldn't you just show the receipt to the storm, that you have overcome in my name”.

   Jesus has paid every price there is to pay, every other commitment is out of our love for Him. Paul described it as “a labour of love”. Be grateful for what He did, and accord the due reverence to the finished work. Wow!



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