My goodness, you'll sign a million dollar check for God in few months time. Believe it by saying it to yourself everyday. You're a city, and no city's GDP is below a billion dollar mark, so imagine what you will do. Paul the Apostle said “does not even nature teach you”, meaning does not even economics teach you that a city isn't poor. Just by being a city, you can't be poor, it's impossible. Listen, you'll sign millions like you're typing hello to a friend. My goodness!
You're the rich of God, you can buy anything and write any amount, don't be afraid, your Father owns the whole world and everybody in it, say anything and talk big, just do it using the name Jesus, and give it time. He asked us to use His name for anything. Wow!
Start practicing it. People will say to you, "See him, he thinks he's rich", don't listen to their frequency, change the channel onto Word FM, Oh my. Talk in other tongues.
One time Jesus said to Pilate, “yes you're right, I am a king”, meaning “yes, I'm rich because kings don't beg”. Don't ever deny who you are before men, you're rich, say it everyday because life is spiritual. Say it, don't be afraid, say it!
You can't take over the world as a poor man, it just doesn't add up. God said to Zechariah, “My cities shall spread through prosperity”, so you better sit up and talk your wealth in Christ!
In Ezekiel 4:1, God said
“Now, son of man, make a square flat plate out of soft earth. Draw a picture on this plate. Draw a picture of the city, Jerusalem. Then build hills round it (the picture) for soldiers to attack the city. Put your tents round the city. Prepare very heavy long sticks to hit its gates”.
God says : once you draw the future with your imagination, hold the picture, and then attack the picture with words as a real thing, and start building on that picture, see a family, talk to your spouse and don't ever think it's a fantasy because what you saw is the physical of the spirit realm. And until you push out that baby into the physical world don't take your eyes off the picture.
Have you noticed how pictures capture the moment, now that is what the bible meant by “as (the moment) a man thinks, so (there, at that place) is He”. The Hebrew says “there He is”, meaning “at that place, that picture he saw, you'll find him there”. O' My!
Listen, God has put a physical future in your mouth. Psalms 8:2 says “Out of the mouth of babes God has ordained strength”.
The word strength is the Hebrew word ‛ôz, meaning a material and physical might. God's word in your mouth is a physical thing. And you can't do much without physical might like money, but remember, the money is in the word, just like how Jesus spoke out the fishes from His words.
My friend, don't try to understand it, just believe it. The fishes came out of the water in Genesis, so don't be shocked, anything is possible with God, believe it!
God's word is His physical, this is why after speaking, see it as a real event and then call it towards your direction like a living thing. Call it like you'd call your little brother until there's a response. Wow!
Now take a paper, we're still prophesying the word, now shape that paper like a cheque, and write a specific figure in millions dollars, and then stamp it with tongues, boldly written. Then see yourself dropping it in church for projects, now say what you've seen everyday, then start calling it out like you'd call your little sister from hiding till she responds.
Isaiah 5:26 |NIV testifies,
“He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles (calls) for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily!”
My goodness! Whistle with unknown tongues, release a specified frequency that brings down walls, call that million dollars out of nations into your city, call it from far in Jesus' name. Whistle my friend, whistle everyday in tongues until wealth rushes to you like the scripture says : swiftly and speedily!
In Genesis God said, He saw and then called. Wow! Haa-ha-ha! Believe the word of God, believe it everyday. Prophesy!
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