Judges 20:1 |MSB informs us, “Then all the People of Israel came out. The congregation met in the presence of GOD at Mizpah. They were all there, from Dan to Beersheba, as one person!” Other versions of the bible render the last phrase, “as one man!”.
Isn't that amazing, that God saw the gathering of His people as one man, a city and a nation. And with this same lens He says to you “you're a city of wealth set of a hill, and you cannot be hidden”.
God sees you as a nation, never forget that. In Isaiah 60:12, the Lord said to His people “For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted”. This means not only did God see His people as cities, He also saw the other gathering of people as cities. When Israel left Egypt, they left with silver and gold, not as a group, but as individuals, they each received wealth into their city, and home.
In Isaiah 60:14, God said to His people what will happen to other nations that refuse to submit to your rule. He said,
“They will bend on their knees at your feet. And they will call you, ‘The City of the LORD’. And they will say, ‘You are Zion. You belong to the Holy God of Israel.’”
In verse 18 He continued,
“You will not hear in your country the noise (nuisance and disorder) that cruel (spiritually blind) people make. Nobody will break or destroy anything inside the edges of your country (as a city). And you will call your walls ‘A Safe Place’ and you will call your gates ‘Praise’. Wow!
Jericho was a city with gates, so it's important to note the features of a city, as opposed to today's understanding of a city and a nation.
Remember, according to the bible, cities have gates, so don't ever mistaken the use of a nation or country as being different from a city.
In verse 11, God said to them,
“Your gates (city gates) will always stand open; they will never be shut, day or night, so that the wealth of the nations may be brought into you, with their kings being led in procession.”.
You can't use today's differentiation of these entities to understand the holy scriptures. In the civilisations of old, the city was termed as a nation because it constituted of people having a united front and a common goal. These terms weren't used to capture size and demographics like it's widely used today. In today's civilisation, a country is said to contain a city, being a subset of the universal set, a country or nation, but it's not always so, in understanding the scriptures.
When Rebekah, Isaacs wife and mother of Esau and Jacob, faced contention in her womb, God told her in Genesis 25:23, “Two nations (cities) are in thy womb”.
My dear, we're not ordinary, we're cities that carry other cities inside us, we're pregnant with cities, our ideas and intentions are cities, they have a self intelligent system to coordinate and stand, we're vessels of Influence, city-carriers, this is why you cannot commit or even think of suicide, because that would legally be mass murder, you'd have too much blood on your hands if you ever get tired of pushing out those dreams, you'd choke cities if you ever get tired of pressing like Paul, pushing out those dreams and visions God put in your spirit, as a city worthy of birthing other cities.
A cat gives birth to its kind, a dog will produce it's kind in labour, likewise a city, you can only produce cities, and worlds of Influence, as one man
Isaiah 66:8 exclaims in shock what happens to the child of God on the norm, let's have a read,
“Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a country be born in one day? Can a nation (city) be born in a moment? When Zion (a city) went into labor, she also gave birth to her children (other cities)”.
We live in Christ as new creatures, and as offsprings of Christ we're also cities, now this man Christ Jesus is described as “the city of the living God”, the scriptures further explain that in Him (in this city) we live, move and have our being. The Church as one body is also described by St. Peter as a holy nation, the city of the living God, the body (city extensions) of Christ.
Revelations 22:14 recounts, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city”.
Right here we come to understand who Christ is as the tree of life in the city of God, the true Eden with gates. Christ is also the reality of the ark Noah was asked to build, it was a revelation of Christ as a city, and if you'd remember what the bible says, we're told “God shut the ark”, He closed the gates of the city by Himself.
Luke 21:24 |NIV says “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (comes to an end). The Passion Translation puts it more succinct, it says “.. Jerusalem shall be trampled down by nations until the days of world empires (particularly the last empire, Daniel's vision of the iron mixed with clay) come to an end (a close)”
This vividly explains why there's a time frame within which the gentile world can be saved, till the last gentile comes into the ark such as should be saved, after which the gates of salvation will be permanently shut, mainly because He that convicts the world of sin and righteousness, the Holy Spirit, will be taken out of the way. And then the gate of salvation (Jesus Christ the door) will be closed forever.
Ezekiel 4:1-3 |BSB captures the instructions God gave Ezekiel as a man of war, let's have a read,
“Now you, son of man, take a brick, place it before you, and draw on it the city of Jerusalem.
Then lay siege against it (on the picture you have drawn): Construct a siege wall, build a ramp to it, set up camps against it, and place battering rams around it on all sides.
Then take an iron plate and set it up as an iron wall between yourself (as one city) and the city (Jerusalem). Turn your face toward it so that it is under siege, and besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel”.
Listen, as one man, and as a single entity in Christ, you can face and lay siege on an entire city, be it empire or industry, you can so focus on what God has told you as a picture, and takeover in a moment, it's all about having the right mindset (mental picture and construct).
Did you know God is aware that it's possible to take a city as one man. Proverbs 16:32 |BSB iterates, “.... he who controls his temper is greater than one who captures a city”.
As one man, you can organise a state capture on anything using the name of the Lord Jesus, only if you can think it and have it as a mental picture. Then like God said to Ezekiel, begin to lay siege on that picture as a real thing!
Jesus laid siege on the whole worlds and conquered it in a moment, and this He did as one man, Paul in [1 Timothy 2:5] called Him “the man Christ Jesus”. He conquered death as one man, yes, as one man He became the record holder, as the first to be born from the dead, the beginning of the new creation.
He later writes to the saints in Colossians 1:18 |AMP, addressing them in this wise,
“He [Christ Jesus] also is the Head of [His] body, the church; seeing He is the Beginning, the Firstborn [the first to be born] from among the dead, so that He alone in everything and in every respect might occupy the chief place [stand first and be preeminent]”.
Remembere, we're cities in the city of the living God, and as one man : like as one person, Rebekah, we have what it takes to carry cities in our womb, thus with our spirit man, a productive city, using our imagination to lay siege on the seed of pictures God gives us. Focus on the vision, lay siege on it so you don't miscarry seed!
My dear, start thinking like a city, because only a city is equipped to conquer another city. And that was how Jesus thought, and exactly how God saw His people Israel, as one man : His own city.
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