Stretch out that vision, stretch, and shoot! You're a child of God, meaning nothing is impossible for you, neither has anything delayed for you.
It was easy to say Methuselah lived a wasted life but he didn't, the meaning of his name was "his death shall bring judgement", and immediately he died at 969 years, the floods came, indeed his death brought judgement on all flesh, the great deluge overflowed the world on an ecumenical scale, cataclysmic by all standards.
Even at that age, where you could say "O, why not just give up, what are you still waiting for", even at that age, the will of God for his life came to pass, the prophecy didn't feel intimidated by the passing of time.
So my dear, get past that bow, do not place confidence in the number of times you declared that vision, place your confidence in God, so drop that bow, give up on the bow and see the shoot, take your eyes off it and focus on the shoot, the possibility of what you said, knowing you won't miss the target of what you announced that you will accomplish in Jesus' name.
Genesis 49:9 |BBE says, “.... now he takes his rest like a lion stretched out ... ?”
Add another zero to that figure, and see it, don't do it agitated, rest and increase your portfolio with your imagination and see. Stretch out your imagination continually and shoot, the window is open, hurry and shoot, launch out your dreams on through the launch window, lay siege and shoot.
Genesis 6:5 |KJV recounts,
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”.
Every imagination you've ever had is real, not some, every one of them, bible says God saw that "every" imagination they had was evil, every one of them. In that same way, every imagination and vision you have is good, every one of them is overly possible and they will all come to pass, and your eyes will see it.
Go back for all those dreams you gave up on, go back for them, don't give up on your children, don't act as though you're barren, go for the goal and wait for the ball, don't worry if it's 969 years, still wait for the ball in the goal post, don't give up on what you have conceived.
So don't give up, think on them continually, not sometimes, think it continually and stretch the extent of possibilities you ever imagined, stretch and shoot!
Isaiah 54:2 | BSB says,
“Enlarge the site of your tent, stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, DO NOT HOLD BACK. Lengthen your ropes and drive your stakes in deep.”
Begin to declare what God told you and don't hold back, stretch out your imagination in the rest you've found in God's word, don't retract your words, you weren't wrong when you said "I am a multi billionaire, you didn't lie, just give it time and stretch".
Call yourself father of many nations even when you don't see an Isaac, don't be afraid, allow those who wish to mock you to do so because they can't see what you've seen in your imagination, say it because it will occur in your time.
My dear, stretch out that vision and quit thinking small, stretch out and shoot, release the bow, release that news that you're a billionaire, don't be afraid, say it.
Believe me, it's time to merry-go-round and sling out that vision, organise and press release for yourself in the name of Jesus, and shoot with words, believe me, you won't miss!
Daystar Jchm.
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