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 Leadership Moments, 

Excerpt with 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀

POV : 


(And why you cannot outsmart the enemy in the flesh) 


The scripture warns us to be sober and vigilant because the enemy as a roaring "lion" sees through all dark secrets, especially as a child of God and he'll use it against you like he did to Moses, which led to a truncated ministry in his early days. 

Exodus 2:14-15 recounts, 

        “Then one said to Moses, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” So Moses feared and said, “SURELY THIS thing (SECRET) IS KNOWN!”.... AND MOSES FLED from the face of Pharaoh (the land of his purpose and ministry) and dwelt in the land of Midian (settling for a low life because of a scandal); and he sat down by a well”.

To begin with, I like how Peter the Apostle rightly put it in 1 Peter 5:8, after being used by the enemy in rebuking Jesus from dying to save the world, through this experience, he learnt to personalised himself as the target of satan's works, 

      — Later Paul the Apostle iterated this same line of communication in II Corinthians 2:11 |Darby, which reads, “.... that we might not have satan (THE ADVERSARY, THE ROARING LION) get an advantage against us, for we are not ignorant of his (evil and dark) thoughts” .

So from this very Apostle, Peter, whom satan wanted to sift like wheat, he writes to his audience emphasising the phrase : “your adversary”, not “the adversary”, meaning the enemy is coming after you as an individual through the flesh and it's dirty secrets, so never have secrets as a child of God because that's a recipe for destruction : the verse hereby reads, 

     “Be sober, be vigilant; because YOUR ADVERSARY (ENEMY) the devil walks about like a ROARING LION, seeking whom he may devour (DESTROY WITH SECRETS LIKE HE DID TO MOSES, WHO LATER FLED FROM THE MINISTRY)”.

This is why the enemy is alluded to a lion in this "dark" world where people, including ministers of the gospel, casually think they can eat their cake (in the flesh) and have it (same time have soundness of mind) :

Cones and rods are two types of photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye that help us see. Together, they help us process visual information under different lighting conditions.

▪️RODS are responsible for vision in low light (night vision, THE DARK) and help us see shades of gray, but they don't detect color.

▪️Cones are responsible for color vision and work best in bright light, allowing us to see fine detail.

Unlike in humans where the cones outnumbers the rod which makes it difficult for us to accommodate and see through the dark, lions experience the exact opposite : in these huge carnivorous cats, the rods are more prominent than cones. This is because lions are nocturnal predators, and their eyes are adapted by nature for night visions. 

Rods in lions are more sensitive to light, ALLOWING LIONS (THE ENEMY) TO SEE BETTER IN THE DARK (THROUGH SECRETS) — actually, Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 6:12 described this adversary as “... the rulers (keeper and custodian) of the darkness (secrets and scandals) of this world”.

Listen, there's a place where dark secrets are kept, and the keeper of that is the enemy himself, as ruthless as he is, so imagine the damage he's causing in families and nations using secrets. This is why we're warned in scripture to give no place to the devil, and to flee his long term goals! 

Most intriguing of all is this : Rods help lions detect movement in the dark, making it easy for them to stay ahead of their prey (target) in smartness, which is essential for hunting and tracking prey for a kill.

While lions (the enemy) do have some cones (adaptation for bright light), their eyes are dominated by rods (for hunting in the dark), which are better suited for their nocturnal (dark) lifestyle. 

As truth is parallel like Paul mentioned, between natural things and spiritual realities, never think to outwith the enemy because he'll only wrap secrets around your neck and choke peace and sanity out of your life and ministry.


𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾

𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀


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