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Showing posts from January, 2025


  PART II TITUS 2:1-15 ON THE CALL TO SOBRIETY, HONOR, AND COMMITMENT IN THE KINGDOM  Titus 2:6-7 recounts,     “YOUNG MEN (ministers and leaders) likewise exhort (summon, address) to be SOBER MINDED (not high minded, prideful nor intoxicated by destructive thinking and hasty actions), (rather) — In all things showing yourself A PATTERN OF GOOD WORKS : in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity (word-centered), sincerity”  1 Peter 5:8 rightly correlates in this wise,        “BE SOBER (-MINDED), BE VIGILANT (Alert, NOT IGNORANT); because YOUR ADVERSARY (ENEMY) the devil walks about like a ROARING LION, seeking whom he may devour (DESTROY WITH SECRETS LIKE HE DID TO MOSES, WHO LATER FLED FROM THE MINISTRY)”. ▪️ THE MEANING OF SOBRIETY Sobriety signifies vigilance and focus in spiritual matters, ensuring attentiveness to scripture. In the medical field, it refers to abstinence from drugs or alcohol (or anything that intoxicates and leaves y...


  Leadership Moments,  Excerpt with 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀 POV :  PHOTORECEPTORS IN LIONS, CONES AND RODS  (And why you cannot outsmart the enemy in the flesh)  PART I The scripture warns us to be sober and vigilant because the enemy as a roaring "lion" sees through all dark secrets, especially as a child of God and he'll use it against you like he did to Moses, which led to a truncated ministry in his early days.  Exodus 2:14-15 recounts,          “Then one said to Moses, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” So Moses feared and said, “SURELY THIS thing (SECRET) IS KNOWN!”.... AND MOSES FLED from the face of Pharaoh (the land of his purpose and ministry) and dwelt in the land of Midian (settling for a low life because of a scandal); and he sat down by a well”. To begin with, I like how Peter the Apostle rightly put it in 1 Peter 5:8, after being used by the enemy in rebuk...

𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀, Smorgasbord SO1-EO1

𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇 𝒥𝒞𝐻𝑀,  Smorgasbord SO1-EO1 JUST CALL, HE'LL PICK UP  Just call, He'll answer and show you things you never thought possible. This is what the Bible says, and it's why we pray : just call my dear, It's an invitation for a visitation so He shows you available things. This is why we pray. He said to call, always and without ceasing!  WHOA! A CURE FOR ADDICTIONS ?  There's cure for addiction. God's word is that medicine (cure) to your flesh (all the personal challenges in the flesh), never cave in : there is a cure, a medicine to all fleshy issues, it is God's word : that is what the Bible (Proverbs 4:22) says.        God said in His word that enemies (like we have the flesh today) will come against (fighting and wanting to dominate) you in one way but they shall flee before you in seven ways (scattered and weakened).       If they came as a broom, with a united front, that addiction will leave you as broken broo...


  HARD WORK IS THE LIFE, WORKING HARD IS WHAT WE DO FROM REST   Hard work is a life, the life in Christ is called hard work, a work that cannot be undone nor done by any other, working hard is what we do but hard work is the life we have, this we do by manifesting that life we have which is hard to naturally manifest, that is where we work out the hard, the package of salvation. And this is entirely biblical to the core. Proverbs 15:19,BBE for instance says “... but the road of the hard worker becomes a highway”, the original and cognate translations like the King James renders the phrase "hard worker" as being the righteous and upright.     GW renders it even more easy to grasp, it calls hard workers "decent people", the exact opposite of what we categorise hardwork to being in downtown. Work from rest my dear, be decent, and that is hard work in the sight of God, use goodly words, don't use human vocabulary to describe your standpoint, hardwork is the easy lif...


  NO MAN BUYS A PLOT ON THE HIGHWAY : How Not To Limit Yourself In This Life.  The highway (unhindered) life in Christ is not a place for sensual extravaganza, because that would only slow down your progress.      Many have allowed money to control and buy out their freedom and access in life, with nowhere to run to because the path for movement has been bought and owned by money which they were supposed to have, sadly, money has (owns) these people as slaves.      Let nothing overpower you into slowing down your own pace, especially money : listen, no one owns a plot on the highway, think about that, you're not allowed to purchase a land on the highway irrespective of how much money you have, and it's for your own good. If today someone owned the path your vehicle uses, where would you drive. Likewise, if your love for money buys out precious friendships from underneath you by your show of pride, where would you drive your questions to when you ...