Never say “I've not done it before, so I don't think I can”, don't talk like that because it's not true. Jesus didn't rehearse before dying on the tree of Golgotha, yet His vicarious death, oblation and sacrifice was a perfect one, ultimate and not penultimate, He didn't miss the first time : and He did it without any rehearsal. This is why Jesus said to His disciples "don't think of what to say". Wow!
Luke 12:11-12 |NKJV recounts the words of the Master, “Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry (rehearse) about how or what you should answer, or what you should say — For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”
Listen my dear, you worry too much and that's how you frustrate God's grace (divine and shocking abilities) in your life. Now this is the word of the LORD to you from Romans 8:11 : “Now, if the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (without any rehearsal) lives in you, that same spirit (not another one) will quicken (bring alive) your mortal body (including your mind and lips)”, even now, declare “I can do it, I have the capacity, even if it's new to me, and I will do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” and then go get it done.
This is how to think and how I dare new things everyday without any rehearsals. Listen, it's in your nature, just grow a little bit more, you'll realise that's all it takes to do much more. Be strong in the grace which is in Christ, Paul said to young Pastor Timothy, and depend on your nature as a child of God. The nature of birds is such that they don't rehearse to fly, they take off when the need arises, it's in their genes, so why display weakness when the need arises to be strong, what happened to you, and who damaged your understanding on activating divine ability.
The Holy Spirit inside you : is the biggest thing to ever happen in this world, He's the secret to new things, He's how to move from a wilderness experience into a Forest, where you're covered with fruits and results, a forest of shockwaves, He's your open door to a 360°-cycloramic change. Only believe.
Indeed, that same Spirit, not another one, that same Spirit will do it through you, and you'll attempt things you've never tried before and you'll be excellent at the first strike. Isaiah put it this way : “the zeal of the Lord (implying that same able Spirit in God) will perform it”, referring to the miracle of the immaculate conception (the virgin birth)”.
Mary didn't have to rehearse on how to bring forth a child without knowing a man, yet she did it and didn't miss the first time. Even now, this same Spirit will do big things through youuu, if you'll only believe by declaring new things everyday using the name of Jesus. O' Hallelujah, wow!
𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾
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