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  WHOSE LIKES AND COMMENTS MATTER TO YOU Every child of God should endeavor to take advantage of whichever platform they have to share the revelation of Christ that has occurred in them. It could be a social media platform or any other medium to our world You might as well say  — (well : mind you, I used to think same) —“will they even like it, will they love it, will they comment on my post» And that limits your flow greatly, and how much more the Lord wants to use it, but hear what Jesus has to say on this issue of likes and comments.  In John 5:44, Jesus says “How can you believe (receive God's mighty plan and move through you), when you receive (insist and focus on) honour (followings, likes, and comments) from one another, and seek not the honour (approval, like and comment) that comes from God only?” My dear : Reach out, encourage someone, fill your world with the wisdom of God, don't hide what the Lord has done for you, right from your experience at salvation, to t...
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 A TRUE LOVE STORY,  TIME IS HAPPILY MARRIED,  SOMEONE PLEASE HOLD ME , I WAILED, O I WAILED — TIME GOT MARRIED IN OUR GENERATION.  Early before dawn, I heard a group of sounds communicate in this chorus, “was He SURE He'll return to save us?”. At first I wondered what sound meant to say, there I realised they wondered if Jesus will ever return — so like you know, I turned to them, though they were collectively named doubt, I did well to mention what was SURE, which they did not know — Quite interesting, I had a scripture on my heart from the petrine epistles, and there it was clear that we had a more SURE WORD OF PROPHECY. So I said to them “what was preached never required that you become sure it'll happen, rather, WHAT WAS PREACHED is called SURE. Then I went out from them,  On my way, I read on the notice, : Time waited for so long, virtuous and true to herself, but like we were told, “it shall come to pass”, truly she's about to pass by all who rejected her...


  THE MATURITY OF TIME : WHEN TIME IS OLD ENOUGH TO HOST (HANDLE) YOUR MANIFESTATION!        Can I tell you something? . (waiting....) : Alright, thank you. :)  There's this wisdom you should know very early so you don't hurt (shipwreck) yourself in this walk of faith. Now this is it : “Never try to prove a point to anyone in your growth process”. A two week old mustard tree should not have to try to explain itself to other birds of it's capabilities, by hosting them on its branches at a juvenile stage. Though someday that tree will host thousands of birds, at the wrong time, the weight will only destroy it's future.        It is same with that young 5year old boy whose friends at school keep forcing him to prove a point to them that the bugatti his dad willed to him really belonged to him. Now the attempt of that boy to prove a point by driving that bugatti at that infantile stage could lead to his death. This is the knowledge we each n...


  FISCAL SUPERFLUITY IN MARRIAGE & HOW TO NAVIGATE YOUR WAY THROUGH THIS QUAGMIRE  LINE OF DISCOURSE :  What if the fiscal imbalance sprouting in the marriage stems from (or centres on) information assymetry and not a presumed laziness, what if ?  QUESTION.  Should a woman's financial earnings fester disrespect if the man doesn't match up to her financial standing (fiscal superfluity) at one point in the marriage ?  MY RESPONSE : Alright, if it's directed at ministry-minded Christians, I suggest that prior to marriage, choosing a woman who fits and understands “the nature of the call and the challenges that befall the called” (thus before marriage) solves a bulk of these issues, if not all, the remaining quadrant will just be notable outbursts of concern for the man to take responsibility, but never to mean any disrespect.  Also the Bible states that money doesn't answer all things, I know that might occur to you as a big hit, but don't be : rememb...


CAN I CORRECT A LEADER, PERHAPS GENTLY  Listen, humility always has a following; there is always a character congruence. Hence there's nothing gentle about correcting an experience that brought you forth into existence.    One of the ways to be successful is to know what you are not, and John the Baptist demonstrated that by admitting He wasn't the Messiah (thus the leader of the moment). Walking in the delusion that you can do and be what your leader is : I'll categorise that as the apoge of distinct folly, the finest formation of a simpleton before his organised precipitous fall. The Bible says pride (noticing issues) leads (goes before) a fall.  If you want everyone to be at your level, then you are not wise. God respects authority over anointing. Though lucifer corrupted his anointing as a cherub, still higher than the archangels, Micheal couldn't rebuke him at the contention over Moses' body, so he invoked the Lord who was higher in authority than a cherub. Bib...


  DID YOU JUST SAY GRASS BUSINESS  Concerning matters of spiritual wealth and substance, don't invest in grass, don't invest in the flesh, wise investors do not invest in grass. In fact, maintaining a grass business is anthropologically expensive because it's the hub of serpents (of dark forces) and unstable (to-and-fro) creatures like grass-hoppers : redeeming the vivid prophecy Jacob spelt to Ruben (in Genesis 49:4), “unstable... you will not excel”. Meaning you cannot excel in this business of grass. The Bible says all flesh are like grass that fades away. Now I'm not focusing on persons but the vile and insatiable nature that interlocks the complex labyrinth of human existence and pursuits. The more you invest in the flesh : thus grass, by way of fruitless conversations and limiting exposures : the poorer, duller and the more insensitive you become to matters of the Spirit.  You're not recognised nor called to fore in high and mighty corridors of power, nor seat...


  A SPEECH THROUGH A CRATER OF TEARS 2 Peter 3:11, NIV reads,  Since everything will be destroyed in this way , what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives All we've worked our lives for, can be gone in a moment. And a replay of this is coming if you're not in the ark. People are hurting, but we ain't seen nothing yet. Our world is fast approaching the climb up the aisle of time where every unsaved person will kiss such daunting horror like we never thought possible. Jesus said so, and He didn't lie!   So there's a way out, interestingly it's not a 7th NC Boulevard Street, rather, a Way called Christ Jesus, a Highway, a quick drive away from eternal damnation. Send me a text if you haven't found your way out of the coming cataclysmic devastation. Send me a text right now — but before you do, say these words to your hearing, say “Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart, be the Lord of my life, save my soul, I've been born again...